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Total records: 30
Код: 021966
Радаев, В.В
Захват Российских Территорий
Novaia Konkurentnaia Situatsiia v Roznichnoi Torgovle

[ The Seizure of Russian territories : The new competitive situation in retail trade ]
Москва: ГУ ВШЭ, 2007
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 21.00
So far in the 21st century the Russian retail trade has been revolutionized. This book describes this revolution, and offers a detailed classification of organizational forms and strategies of the Russian retail trade in soviet and current Russia.
Код: 013129
Иванов, Владимир
Зачем Человеку Деньги
Khronika Zhizni Kupecheskoi Sem`i Riabushinskikh

[ Why should one need money : A Chronicle of the Riabushinskii merchant family ]
Москва: ТЕРРА, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 18.00
This is a documentary novel about the formative years of the Russian merchant dynasty of the Riabushinskiis (the years described are 1854-1855). Pavel Rabushinskii (1871-1924), banker and industrialist, was later a member of the central committee "Party of 17th October".
Код: 015344
Кулибина, Н.В
Зачем, Что и Как Читать на Уроке
Khudozhestvennyi Tekst pri Izuchenii Russkogo Iazyka kak Inostrannogo

[ Why, what and how to read a lesson : Fiction in teaching Russian as a second language ]
Санкт-Петербург: Златоуст, 2001
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 24.00
Спец. цена: $ 19.00
This textbook is addressed to teachers of Russian and consists of two parts: theory and practice. The first part contains linguistic, psychological, and methodical principles of using fiction in teaching Russian as a second language.
Код: 017444
Казакевич, Еммануил

[ A Star : Selected works ]
Москва: Ексмо, 2003
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 35.00
This collection by the Russian writer Emmanuil Kazakevich (1913-1962) contains his four best novels and long stories: Zvezda, Dvoe v Stepi, Serdtse Druga, and Vesna na Ordere. Afterword by Berngard Ruben.
Код: 009375
Bukharin, N.; Preobrazhenskii, E., et al
Звезда и Свастика
Bol`shevizm i Russkii Fashizm

[ The Star and the swastika : Bolshevism and Russian fascism ]
Москва: ТЕРРА, 1994
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
This book includes two works. The first one is written by N. Bukharin and E. Preobrazhenskii. "The ABC of Communism," subtitled "Popular explanation of the Russian Communist Party". The second one is "The ABC of Fascism" compiled by G.

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Код: 026826
Звери и Их Репрезентации в Русской Культуре
Trudy Lozanskogo Simpoziuma 2007 g.

[ Animals and their representations in Russian culture : Proceedings of the Lausanne Symposium of 2007 ]
Санкт-Петербург: Балтийские сезоны, 2010
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 35.00
The collection includes works of the Lausanne Symposium, in particular, classical and contemporary articles on poetry, prose, science fiction and new genre phenomena such as art songs and glamour novel.

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Код: 023867
Звучащие Смыслы

[ Sounding meanings : Almanac ]
С. Петербург: Изд-во С.-Петербургского Ун-та, 2007
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 29.00
This is a new volume of the almanac Theory and History of Culture (Kul`turologiia. XX Vek). The current volume consists of the following chapters: Concept of culture; Creative work and immortality; Philosophy of sounds; Sounding meanings; Sign systems and categories.
Код: 010020
Болтунов, М
Gor`kaia Doroga Domoi

[ ZGV : The Bitter road to home ]
Санкт Петербург: Шанс, 1995
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 19.50
ZGV stood for "Zapadnaia Gruppa Voisk" (Russian armies in Eastern Europe), particularly the eight million soldiers in East Germany. The withdrawal of these armies in 1993-95 in accordance with the 1990 treaty between Russia and Germany, caused a lot of social and political problems, and resulted in scandals about the corruption of the top Russian officers and the Ministry of Defense.
Код: 021149
Суханова, Людмила Павловна
Здоровье Новорожденных Детей России
Nauchnaia Monografiia

[ The Health of newborn children in Russia : Scientific monograph ]
Москва: Канон + РООИ «Реабилитация», 2007
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 21.00
The period 1991-2004 was unprecedented in the history of Russian medicine as a period of drastic worsening of the health of newborns: the proportion of small weight children, premature babies, and pathologies at birth.

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Код: 025157
Зеленое Вино
Literaturnyi Akademgorodok Shestidesiatykh: Proza, Stikhotvoreniia

[ Green wine : Literary academy town of 1960s: Prose, poetry ]
Новосибирск: Свиньин и сыновья, 2009
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
Prose and poetry of scholars and graduate students from the Novosibirsk academy town of 1960s. Also available on the same subject: K Vostoku ot Solntsa: Stikhotvortsy Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta (1999).

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Код: 024887
Зеленые Звезды Падают в Синее Море"
Fol`klor Chukotki

[ "Green stars are falling in the blue sea ... " : Folklore of Chukotka ]
Москва: РуПаб+, 2009
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 16.00
A collection of Chukchi, Even, and Eskimo tales and songs, collected and translated by poet V.V. Portugalov. (0.135 kg.)
Код: 023262
Крейд, Вадим
Зелёное Окно

[ The Green window : Poems ]
Нью Юрк: EFFECT, 1987
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 6.00
Collection of poems by Vadim Kreid, the editor in chief of the Russian magazine "Novyi Zhurnal" (New York), the author of a biography of Georgii Ivanov (1894-1958).
Код: 022869
Стрельников, С.В
Землевладение в Ростовском Крае в XIV - Первой Трети XVII Века

[ Land ownership in the Rostov area in the 14th - the first third of the 17th centuries ]
Москва-Санкт Петербург: Алианс-Архео, 2009
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 29.00
This monograph studies the circumstances of the joining of the Rostov kingdom to the Russian state. It analyzes the history of land ownership in the Rostov kingdom in the 14th - the first third of the 17th centuries, the structure of old settlers and newcomers among the owners, peculiarities of the evolution of church-monastery land ownership in this region.
Код: 023645
Кусов, В.С
Земли Большой Москвы
Kartograficheskie Proizvedeniia XVII—XVIII Stoletii

[ The Lands of Great Moscow : Cartographic works of the 17th - 18th centuries ]
Москва: Русский мiръ, 2008
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 79.00
This is a monograph on the history of cartographic works of the Moscow lands the 17th - 18th centuries. It also includes descriptions of land properties on the map of the end of the 18th century (pp. 135-206).

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Код: 007792
Земля Невская Православная: Православные Храмы Пригородных Районов Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградскои Области
Kratkii Tserkovno-Istoricheskii Spravochnik

[ The Neva Orthodox land: Russian Orthodox Churches in the St. Petersburg area : Short historical handbook ]
Санкт Петербург: Православная Русь, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 18.00
This handbook includes information about 1,100 Russian orthodox churches, monasteries and chapels in the St. Petersburg Oblast`, including the city itself. Name and topographical indices. 110 photographs.
Код: 005239
Никитин, Н
Земплепроходец Дежнев и Его Время

[ The Explorer Dezhnev and his time ]
Москва: РОССПЭН, 1999
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 21.00
This book presents the biography of Semion Dezhnev (c.1605-1673), a Russian explorer, who first sailed the strait between Asia and America and facilitated the inclusion of Northern Asia into the Russian state.
Код: 023260
Амусин, М
Зеркала и Зазеркалья

[ Looking-glass and through the looking-glass : Articles ]
С. Петербург; Москва: Лимбус Пресс, 2008
Язык: Russian
 Цена: $ 19.00
This book by M. Amusin – a gifted literary critic and philologist – provides a thorough discussion on the works of famous Russian and foreign writers, particularly Bulgakov, Pushkin, Dostoievsky, Chapek, Borjes, Nabokov and others.

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Код: 024985-05
Зеркало Истории: Коллективный и Индивидуальный Портрет Личности
Vyp.5: Sbornik Statei

[ The mirror of history: Collective and individual portrait of the person : Issue 5: Collected articles ]
Москва: РГГУ, 2008
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
The fifth issue of almanac The Mirror of History traditionally deals with the place of the personality in foreign history: Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Pope Innocent IV, Henry Sanderson Furniss, the Venetian painter Giovanni Bellini, Sultan Jalal ad-Din Mingburnu, Boleslaw I Piast, etc.
Код: 023402
Тимошечкин, Михаил Фёдорович
Зимние Будни
Stalin i Ego Komanda v 1942 Godu

[ Winter routine : Stalin and his team in 1942 ]
Воронеж: Воронеж, 2006
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 24.00
This book is about several days at the beginning of 1942 when Stalin and his team designed the counter-offensive operation beneath the city of Moscow. In addition to Stalin, several persons who participated in the planning of this operation were: N.
Код: 016909
Михайлов, Григорий
Зимние Дворцы Петра I
Istoriia Stroitel`stva. Arkhitektura i Khudozhestvennoe Ubranstvo. Sobytiia i Liudi

[ The History of Peter the First`s winter palaces : Architecture and artistic decoration: Events and people ]
С. Петербург: Гос. Эрмитаж, Филологический Факультет СПбГУ, 2002
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 59.00
Since the early nineteenth century many generations of scholars have been trying to reveal the secrets of Peter the First`s vanished palaces: to define their location, to establish the character of their decor, and the peculiarities of their planning.
Код: 004186
Волина, В.В
Зимние Потешки

[ Winter entertainments ]
Санкт Петербург: Дидактика Плюс, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 9.00
A collection of tales, stories, poetry, riddles, sayings, and proverbs about winter, New Year’s Eve and Christmas for teenagers.
Код: 006976
Зиновьев, А
Зиновьев, А.

[ The Undertaking ]
Москва: Центрполиграф, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 21.00
This book continues a satire on soviet society that began with his famous books Ziiaiushchie Vysoty and Svetloe Budushchee. According to Zinov`ev (1922-2006), the idea of building communism in the Soviet Union was a special undertaking which allowed the Russian nomenklatura to make the population obedient and undemanding through the special ideological procedures of brainwashing and control.
Код: 019944
Воротников, Ю.Л
Златая Цепь
O Perelozheniiakh Pamiatnikov Drevnerusskoi Knizhnosti na Sovremennyi Russkii Iazyk

[ The Golden chain : On the transposition of the monuments of old Russian literacy in the current Russian language ]
Москва: Наука, 2003
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
This book describes the list of everyday reading in medieval Russia. The author presents his own poetical translations from Old Russian literature to modern Russian of eight works from this list and provides some comments to them: "Fiziolog" ( 2nd-3rd century, Alexandria); Sviashchennye Paralleli by John Damascene; Pchela: Rechi i Mudrosti ot Evangeliia i ot Apostoala.
Код: 020344
Вильтон, Роберт
Злодеяние над Царской Семьей, Совершенное Большевиками и Немцами

[ The Crime against the royal family, committed by the bolsheviks and Germans ]
Париж: Barneoud, 2005
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 35.00
Robert Wilton (born in Russia, d.1922) collected documents about the assassination of the Russian royal family in Ekaterinburg was committed by the Bolsheviks and Germans, and he was the first to break this story and make it public in 1920.
Код: 010130
Лотарева, Дарья
Знаки Масонских Лож Российской Империи

[ Masonic lodges of the Russian empire ]
Москва: Госуд. Публичная Историческая Библиотека России, 1994
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
This book contains descriptions and interpretations of Russian Masonic lodge signs. Includes bibliographic references, personal and lodge names, and geographic indices.
Код: 017112
Бобышев, Дмитрий
Знакомства Слов: Избранные Стихи

[ Circles of words: Selected verses ]
Мосcоw: Новое Литературное Обозрение, 2003
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 12.00
Dmitrii Bobyshev (b. 1936) born in Leningrad was one of the group of poets who communicated closely with Anna Akhmatova (called "Akhmatova`s orphans"). He emigrated in 1979 and teaches Russian literature at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

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Код: 011834
Знакомый Незнакомец
Sotsialisticheskii Realizm Kak Istoriko-Kul`turnaia Problema

[ A Familiar stranger : Socialist realism as a historico-cultural problem ]
Москва: Институт Славяноведения и Балканистики РАН, 1995
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
This collection of articles examines different aspects of socialist realism, now extinct as a literary phenomenon, but still alive in the popular consciousness and nourishing Russian postmodernist art.
Код: 017499
Куприянова, Т.Ф
Знакомьтесь, Деепричастие

[ Meeting the adverbial participle ]
Санкт Петербург: Златоуст, 2002
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 11.00
This textbook is for students of Russian of the second-third year. Contents: Adverbial participle: General information; Time correspondence between the adverbial participle and the verb in the sentence; Various cases of using adverbial participles; Adverbial participle and its synonyms in the sentence; Interchange of adverbial participle and participle; Transition of the adverbial participle to another part of speech.
Код: 022555
Грыгар, Моймир
Знакотворчество: Семиотика Русского Авангарда

[ Sign creation: Semiotics of the Russian avant-garde ]
Санкт Петербург: Академический проект, 2007
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 36.00
This is a collection of articles by a prominent Czech semiologist Moymir Grygar. Many of them were published in collections or periodicals. The papers included belong to the field called semiology, the comparative study of phenomena of literature, art and culture in terms of their structural and functional conformities, connections and oppositions of their elements.
Код: 001770
Шевяков, Т.Н
Знамена и Штандарты Российской Императорской Армии Конца XIX - Начала XX вв.

[ Banners and colors of the Imperial Army of the end of the 19th - early 20th cent. ]
Москва: АСТ, Астрель, 2002
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 25.00
This book is about the history of Russian banners and color as symbols of the valor of the Russian imperial army. T. Sheviakov traced the evolution of different patterns of banners and army symbols, as well as the fate of specific banners in WWI.
Total records: 30
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