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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

Total records: 26
[ 1 ]
Ethnic Conflicts and Politics
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Code: 010508-147
Matveev, V.A
Istoricheskii Opyt Protivostoianiia Separatizmu na Severnom Kavkaze i Sovremennost`

[ Historical experience of opposition to separatism in the North Caucasus and contemporaneity : ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 13.00
This report provides complex analysis of a certain form of separatism observed in the past in European and Eurasian parts of civilization splits. The author classifies it as a Vandei form, characterized by ethnic cleansing of some territories and by terrorist methods of gaining isolation.
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Code: 005377-1
Anaiban, Z.V., Guboglo, M.N., Kozlov, M.S
Formirovanie Etnopoliticheskoi Situatsii
Tom 1: Ocherki Istorii Postsovetskoi Tuvy

[ Formation of ethnopolitical situation : Volume one: Essays on the history of post-Soviet Tuva ]
Moscow: Tsentr po Izucheniiu Mezhnatsional`nykh Otnoshenii, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
The Republic of Tuva is located in the mountains of southern Siberia on the border of Mongolia. This work is part of the series National Movements in the USSR and post-Soviet Space. Tuva is one of the members of the Russian Federation where, according to the authors, the combined efforts of legislative, executive powers and political and social activists resulted in formation of a peaceful and stable ethnopolitical situation.
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Code: 025964
Sitnianskii, G.Iu
Rossiia i Tsentral`naia Aziia: Vmeste ili Vroz`?
Mezhetnicheskie Otnosheniia v Srednei Azii i Kazakhstane i Rossiia

[ Russia and Central Asia: Together or apart? : Inter-ethnic relations in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, and Russia ]
Moscow: IEA RAN, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
This book analyzes the open conflicts and secret confrontations in Central Asia and Kazakhstan of the late 20th to early 21st centuries among several nations. The conflicts have multiple reasons but mostly over land and water, mineral resources, border issues, religious radicalism, etc.
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Code: 002145-11E
Al`perovich, V., Verkhovskii, A.M., Sibirtseva, O.A., et al
Xenophobia, Freedom of Conscience and Anti-Extremism in Russia in 2011
A Collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis

[ Ksenofobiia, Svoboda Sovesti i Antiekstremizm v Rossii v 2011 Godu : Sbornik Ezhegodnykh Dokladov ]
Moscow: Sova, 2012
Language: English
 Price: $ 7.00
This is an annual collection of reports of the SOVA Center on this topic. The report summarizes all the major areas of research by the Center in 2011. Appendices include statistical data and the cases which were tried by Russian courts on extremist charges.
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Code: 030189
Osipov, A.G
Etnichnost` i Ravenstvo v Rossii
Osobennosti Vospriiatiia

[ Ethnicity and equality in Russia : Peculiarities of perception ]
Moscow: Tsentr "Sova", 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 9.00
This monograph analyzes the issue of ethnic inequality and protection of minorities in Russia. Bibliography (0.265 kg.)
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Code: 031507
Evropeizm i Natsionalizm v Stranakh Vostochnoi Evropy
Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov

[ Europism and nationalism in the countries of Eastern Europe : Collected scholarly works ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
This collection studies the tradition of nationalism vs. Europeism in countries of Eastern Europe, former soviet satellites. The author show how this opposition plays with various social groups in the countries of the regions, the degree of integration of their economy and identity in the EU, manifestation of nationalism in internal politics, and the perception of Russia in the context of the European choice.
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Code: 017215
Postsovetskaia Etnofederalistika
Bibliograficheskii Ukazatel`

[ Post-soviet ethnic federal studies : Bibliograficheskii Ukazatel` ]
: In-t Tsivilizatsionnykh i Regional`nykh Issledovanii, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
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Code: 027417
Etnokul`turnye Tekhnologii Profilaktiki Ekstremizma i Ksenofobii
Materialy Mezhregional`nogo Seminara (8-10 Sentiabria 2010 Goda)

[ Ethno-cultural technologies for prevention of extremism and xenophobia : Materials of interregional seminar (September 2010) ]
Vologda - Velikii Ustiug: Pravitel`stvo Vologodskoi oblasti, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 11.00
This is a collection of papers on the ethno-cultural technologies for the prevention of extremism and xenophobia and the harmonization of interethnic relations. After the ethnic conflict in the town of Kondopoga in the Russian North the issue of interethnic relations among migrants and native settlers became quite real.
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Code: 029529
Verkhovskii, A.M
Politika Gosudarstva po Otnosheniiu k Natsional-Radikal`nym Ob`edineniiam: 1991-2002 gg.

[ The policy of the state on the treatment of the national-radical union: 1991-2002 : ]
Moscow: Sova, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This book analyzes legislative acts, drafts and other initiatives on national radical associations in Russia and how they are reflected in the current law "O protivodeistvii ekstremistskoi deiatel`nosti" (On counteraction to extremist activities).
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Code: 030458
Sovetskaia Etnopolitika, 1930-1940-e Gody
Sbornik Dokumentov

[ Soviet ethnopolitics: 1930 - 1940s : Collected documents ]
Moscow: IRI RAN, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This book includes documents on different aspects of Soviet ethnopolitics. It focuses on the most important resolutions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Council of People`s Commissars before WWII.
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Code: 010508-153
Iurakov, A.V
Resursy Mezhetnicheskoi Tolerantnosti v Bashkorstane

[ Resources of ethnic tolerance in Bashkorstan : ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
In the changing context of Russian reality, ethnic tolerance is a burning issue. According to the author of this report, tolerance is a situational phenomenon deeply entrenched in objective ethnopolitical, ethnocultural, and socio-economic processes.
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Code: 010508-222
Zotova, N.A
Uzbekskie Obshchiny v Rossii
Novye "Diaspory": Na Primere Sankt-Peterburga, Astrakhani, Krasnoiarska

[ The Uzbek community in Russia : New “diasporas”: On the examples of St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, and Kranoiarsk ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 10.00
The Uzbek communities in St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, and Kranoiarsk have many common features. Their differences are visible in the details—time of foundation, person lives of leaders, etc. Owing to a difficult economic situation in their home country, migratory processes were given a wide scope, and these Uzbeks appeared to serve as a formation center for new diasporas.
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Code: 010508-219
Zaurbekova, G.V
Tekhnologiia Manipulirovaniia Etnopoliticheskim Konfliktom v Chechenskoi Respublike (1991-1999 gg.)

[ Technology of manipulation of the ethnopolitical conflict in the Chechen Republic: 1991-1999 : Report ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 10.00
In this report the author considers questions of political manipulation of the population of the Chechen Republic during the coming to power of General Dzhokhara Dudaev prior to the beginning of a confrontation.
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Code: 010252
Malysheva, D. B
Konflikty na Kavkaze
Regional`noe i Mezhdunarodnoe Izmerenie

[ Conflicts in the Caucusas : Regional and international aspects ]
Moscow: IMEMO, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This brochure analyzes the six most recent conflicts in the Caucasus, the positions of the belligerents, neighboring countries, and the superpowers. Includes bibliographic references.
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Code: 027644
Amanzholova, D.A
Formatirovanie Sovetskosti
Natsional`nye Men`shinstva v Etnopoliticheskom Landshafte SSSR. 1920-1930-e

[ Formatting the sovietness : National minorities in ethno-political landscape of the USSR. 1920-1930s ]
Moscow: Sobranie, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.00
This book analyzes the Soviet policy towards national minorities, formation and the functioning of the lower level of the ethno-political landscape of the Soviet Union - national councils. (0.405 kg.)
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Code: 027737-01
Etnokul`turnoe Obrazovanie
Metody Sotsial`noi Orientatsii Rossiiskoi Shkoly: Vyp. 1

[ Ethnocultural education : Methods of social orientation in Russian schools: Part 1 ]
Moscow: IEA RAN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
The collection work deals with the ethnic policy of the government in education. The contributors from several major regions of Russia analyze the situation with teaching native languages in school and other sources on ethnocultural issues.
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Code: 009978
Rossiia i Ee Sosedi
Vzaimosviaz` Politicheskikh i Etnicheskikh Konfliktov: Referativnyi Sbornik

[ Russia and its neighbors : The interrelationship of Political and ethnic conflicts: collected abstracts ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This brochure is a collection of abstracts of recent publications on minorities in Russia, ethnic and political conflicts, internal refugees and migration. Includes bibliographic references.
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Code: 004930
Etnicheskie Problemy Regionov Rossii
Permskaia Oblast`

[ Ethnic problems of Russian regions: Perm Region : Permskaia Oblast` ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii-Staryi Sad, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This collection of 13 articles focuses on studies of the infrastructure of the various nationalities populating the Perm Region on the western flank of the central Urals. Historical, anthropological, ethnosocial and ethnographic works concentrate on national relationships in the period of the transition toward a free market.
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Code: 024460-10
Etnopoliticheskaia Situatsiia v Rossii i Sopredel`nykh Gosudarstvakh v 2010 Godu
Ezhegodnyi Doklad Seti Etnologicheskogo Monitoringa i Rannego Preduprezhdeniia Konfliktov

[ The Ethnopolitical situation in Russia and contiguous governments in 2010 : Annual report of a network of ethnolinguistic monitoring and early warning of conflicts ]
Moscow: IEA RAN, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 57.00
This is the annual report of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology on the ethnopolitical situation in Russia and contiguous governments in 2010, including the situation in recognized and non-recognized republics, the war in the Caucasus, civil and ethnic identity of people in these territories, the status of neutral population and minorities and more.
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Code: 024460-09
Etnopoliticheskaia Situatsiia v Rossii i Sopredel`nykh Gosudarstvakh v 2009 Godu
Ezhegodnyi Doklad Seti Etnologicheskogo Monitoringa i Rannego Preduprezhdeniia Konfliktov

[ The Ethnopolitical situation in Russia and contiguous governments in 2009 : Annual report of a network of ethnolinguistic monitoring and early warning of conflicts ]
Moscow: IEA RAN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 54.00
This is the annual report of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology on the ethnopolitical situation in Russia and contiguous governments in 2009, including the situation in recognized and non-recognized republics, the war in the Caucasus, civil and ethnic identity of people at these territories, the status of neutral population and minorities and more.
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Code: 024460-11
Etnopoliticheskaia Situatsiia v Rossii i Sopredel`nykh Gosudarstvakh v 2011 Godu
Ezhegodnyi Doklad Seti Etnologicheskogo Monitoringa i Rannego Preduprezhdeniia Konfliktov

[ The Ethnopolitical situation in Russia and contiguous governments in 2011 : Annual report of a network of ethnolinguistic monitoring and early warning of conflicts ]
Moscow: IEA RAN, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
This is the annual report of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology on the ethnopolitical situation in Russia and contiguous governments in 2011, including the situation in recognized and non-recognized republics, the war in the Caucasus, civil and ethnic identity of people in these territories, the status of neutral population and minorities and more.
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Code: 030078
Zorin, V.Iu
Gosudarstvennaia Natsional`naia Politika i Vserossiiskaia Perepis` Naseleniia 2010 Goda

[ The Government national policy and all-Russian census of 2010 : ]
Moscow: Moskovskii dom natsional`nostei, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 10.00
This is an article by assistant to director of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAN which analyzes the results of the 2010 all-Russian census from the perspective of interethnic relations and important ethnocultural trends of the last decade.
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Code: 002145-12E
Al`perovich, A.M., Sibireva, O.A., Kravchenko, M., et al
Xenophobia, Freedom of Conscience and Anti-Extremism in Russia in 2012
A Collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis

[ Ksenofobiia, Svoboda Sovesti i Antiekstremizm v Rossii v 2012 Godu : Sbornik Ezhegodnykh Dokladov ]
Moscow: Sova, 2013
Language: English
 Price: $ 7.00
This is an annual report of the SOVA Center on this topic. The report summarizes all the major areas of research by the Center in 2012. Appendices include statistical data and the cases which were tried by courts on extremist charges by region of the Russian Federation.
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Code: 008972-13
Mezhetnicheskie i Konfessional`nye Otnosheniia v Iuzhnom Federal`nom Okruge
Ekspertnyi Doklad 2013

[ Interethnic and interconfessional relations in the South federal district : Expert report 2013 ]
Moscow-Rostov-naDonu: Institut slavianovedeniia RAN, IuFU, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This report analyzes demographic, migration, historical, cultural, social and political aspects of international relations and national policy in the South federal district: Republic of Adygeia, Republic of Kalmykia, Krasnodar Krai, Astrakhan, Volgograd and Rostov Oblasts.
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Code: 002300B
Vasil`ev, I.Iu
Ukrainskii Natsionalizm, Ukrainizatsiia i Ukrainskoe Kul`turnoe Dvizhenie na Kubani
Vtoraia Polovina XIX - Nachalo XXI Veka

[ Ukrainian nationalism, Ukrainization and the Ukraine cultural movement in Kuban : Second half of the 19th – early 20th century ]
Moscow: Traditsiia, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
The book states that despite the fact that there is a vast territory populated by Ukrainians, they really did not form a Ukrainian identity. This point is illustrated with the example of the Kuban district which the author calls the "Ukrainian Piedmont".
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Code: 002145-13E
Al`perovich, A.M., Sibireva, O.A., Kravchenko, M., et al
Xenophobia, Freedom of Conscience and Anti-Extremism in Russia in 2013
A Collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis

[ Ksenofobiia, Svoboda Sovesti i Antiekstremizm v Rossii v 2013 Godu : Sbornik Ezhegodnykh Dokladov ]
Moscow: Sova, 2014
Language: English
 Price: $ 15.00
This is an annual report of the SOVA Center on this topic. The report summarizes all the major areas of research by the Center in 2013. Appendices include statistical data and the cases which were tried by courts on extremist charges by region of the Russian Federation.
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