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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Rare Russian Books

Total records: 33
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Education, Pedagogics and Child Rearing
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Code: 027117
Komarova, G.A
Etnografiia Detstva
Mezhdistsiplinarnye Issledovaniia (1960-80-e gg.)

[ Ethnography of childhood : Interdisciplinary studies: 1960-80s ]
Moscow: IEA RAN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This edition is a part of subseries "Ethnography of childhood: Interdisciplinary studies". It describes ethnography of childhood, a scientific discipline that emerged in the second half of the 20th century on the edge of national ethnography and a range of allied sciences.
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Code: 011626
Nichiporov, B.V
Vvedenie v Khristianskuiu Psikhologiiu
Razmyshleniia Sviashcheniika-Psikhologa

[ Introduction to Christian psychology : Thoughts of a priest psychologist ]
Moscow: Shkola-Press, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This book by the Russian Orthodox archpriest Boris (Nechiporov) is an introduction into a new direction in psychology: Christian psychology. It is based on his own experience in church Sunday school.
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Code: 010508-234
Martynova, M.Iu
Shkol`noe Obrazovanie i Identichnost`
Otechestvennye i Zarubezhnye Kontseptual`nye Pedagogicheskie Podkhody k Natsional`noi (Obshchegosudarstvennoi) Integratsii i Kul`turnomu Mnogoobraziiu Obshchestva

[ School education and identity : Native and foreign conceptual pedagogical approaches to national integration and the culture of diversity ]
Moscow: IEA RAN, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This work presents conceptual approaches in Russian and world practice of using education for the consolidation of the various ethnic groups and integrating them into the society, strengthening the country’s national identity, formation of an atmosphere of national agreement, tolerance and shared culture by means of education.
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Code: 028557
Serdiutskaia, O.V
Moskovskii Universitet Vtoroi Poloviny XVIII v. kak Gosudarstvennoe Uchrezhdenie
Prepodavatel`skaia Sluzhba

[ Moscow University in the second half of 18th century as a state institution : Teaching service ]
Moscow: Sputnik+, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book describes the Moscow Imperial University as a state institution of the 1750-70s, shows its image in the minds of contemporaries, and dwells upon the transformation projects of the 1760-80s. Professorship is presented in comparison with the rest of the bureaucratic contingent of the empire.
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Code: 028437
Feofanov, A.M
Studenchestvo Moskovskogo Universiteta XVIII - Pervoi Chetverti XIX Veka

[ The students of Moscow University in the 18th - the first quarter of the 19th centuries : ]
Moscow: PSTGU, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
This monograph covers the history of the students of Moscow University in the second half of the 18th - the first quarter of the 19th centuries. It studies various aspects of student life: social structure, academic activities, lifestyle and conditions, future careers.
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Code: 016043
Grigor`ev, S.I., Gusliakova, L.G., Sintsova, L.K
Standart Mnogourovnevoi Podgotovki Sotsial`nykh Pedagogov i Sotsial`nykh Rabotnikov kak Osnova Kachestva Podgotovki Kadrov dlia Ucherezhdenii Sotsial`noi Sfery

[ The Standard of multilevel training of social workers and teachers as a precondition of the quality of their education : ]
Barnaul: Altaiskii Gos. University, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This monograph discusses the theoretical basis of training social workers and social teachers of several levels of education, defines standards and levels of education, requirements regarding qualification and knowledge for workers in these two fields.
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Code: 028777-2
Maloletnie Poddannye Bol`shoi Imperii: Filipp Ar`es i Istoriia Detstva v Rossii (XVIII - Nachalo XX Veka)
Sbornik Statei. Ch. 2

[ Juvenile subjects great empire: Philippe Aries and the history of childhood in Russia (18th - early 20th centuries) : Collected articles: Part 2 ]
Moscow: RGGU, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.00
This is the second book in the series Culture of Childhood. It is the second installment of the materials of the international academic conference "The History of Childhood as an Object of Research" (2009).
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Code: 008022-13
Nestor: Ezhekvartal`nyi Zhurnal Istorii i Kul`tury Rossii i Vostochnoi Evropy: No. 12
Mir Detstva: Sem`ia, Sreda, Shkola: Istochniki, Issledovaniia, Istoriografiia

[ Nestor: Quarterly Journal of History and Culture of Russia and Eastern Europe: No. 12 : World of childhood: Family, environment, school: Sources, studies, historiography ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriia, In-t Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki RAN, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is the thirteenth issue of the quarterly Nestor. The current volume includes seven memoirs accompanied with comments on sources historiography of Russian family archives. Contents: Attitude towards children in the Old-Russian Orthodox culture; Education in the families of the nobility in the early 19th century: Future Decembrists; Memoirs about childhood; Teenage recidivism: Juvenile delinquency of the mid-1930s: Documents; and more.
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Code: 030721
Rossiiskoe Studenchestvo na Rubezhe XX-XXI Vekov: Transformatsiia Sistemy Tsennostei
Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov

[ Russian students at the turn of 20th – 21st centuries: Transformation of the system of values : Collected scholarly works ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
The collection studies the transformation of the value system of Russian students at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. The authors analyze spiritual trends in social consciousness under the influence of the new information environment, dynamics of social relations, modern educational technologies and globalization.
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Code: 012538
Deti v Stranakh SNG: Kratkii Sbornik

[ Children in the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States : ]
: GosKomStat, 2001
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 67.50
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Code: 008396
Kadrovaia Rabota v Organakh Gosudarstvennoi Vlasti
Metodicheskoe Posobie

[ Human Resources and Development in government organs : Teaching aid ]
Novosibirsk: Sib. Akademiia Gos. Sluzhby (SibAGS), 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This is a course of lectures on the functions and tasks of Human Resources departments in the organs of the federal and local governments.
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Code: 004268
Te, Kto Popravliaet Fortunu"
Avantiuristy Prosveshcheniia

[ Those who improve fortune : Adventurers of the Enlightenment ]
: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
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Code: 017353
Krasovitskaia, T.Iu
Rossiiskoe Obrazovanie mezhdu Reformatorstvom i Revoliutsionizmom
Fevral` 1917 - 1920 God

[ Russian education between reform and revolution : February 1917 - 1920 ]
Moscow: IRI RAN, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
There were two competing opposite philosophies of mass education in Russia in 1917-1920. The first one, suggested by the Constitutional Democrats (Kadets), and the second by the Bolsheviks. This monograph studies and compares these two platforms according to the following parameters: role and volume of knowledge in education and the potential input of each platform in the development of the country.
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Code: 015078
Sevil`gaev, G.F
Narodnoe Obrazovanie na Dal`nem Vostoke Rossii XVIII v - 30-e Gody XX v.

[ Popular educatution in the Far East of Russia in the 1800-1930s : ]
Barnaul: Altaiskii Poligraficheskii Kombinat, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This is a monograph on the history of state education in the Far East from the moment of forming first schools in the first half of the 18th century to the universal compulsory education in 1930-1940s.
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Code: 014389-1
Istoriia i Sotsiologiia Kul`tury
Vypusk 1: Istoriia i Sotsiologiia Obrazovaniia

[ History and sociology of culture : Issue 1: History and sociology of education ]
Novosibirsk: Novosibirskii Gos. Universitet, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
This is the first issue of proceedings of the History Department of Novosibirsk University on the history and sociology of education. The collection includes seven articles on the pedagogic ideas and methods of different cultures and epochs, including articles on the history of graduate and continuing education in Russia.
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Code: 015652
Nauka i Obrazovanie v Tomske
Materialy k Entsiklopedii Tomskoi Oblasti

[ Science and education in Tomsk : Materials for an encyclopedia of the Tomsk Oblast ]
Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo Universiteta, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book is a collection of articles about the educational and scientific organizations of the city of Tomsk since 1888. These articles were written for a future encyclopedia. Also included are about 200 biographical sketches of the leading scholars and professors of Tomsk for the 200 year period.
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Code: 015641
Nekrylov, S.A
Istoriia Stanovleniia i Razvitiia Nauchnykh Shkol i Napravlenii v Tomskom Universitete v Dorevoliutsionnyi Period

[ The History of the founding and development of scientific schools and directions in Tomsk University in the pre-Revolutionary period. : ]
Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo Universiteta, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Tomsk University, founded in 1878 and opened in 1888, is the first Siberian university and the ninth on the territory of Imperial Russia. In addition to teaching doctors, lawyers, and economists, professors of the university studied the archaeology, ethnography, history, and economics of Siberia and adjacent territories: the Urals, the Far East, Central Asia, Mongolia, and China.
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Code: 027512
Molodezh` Sovremennoi Rossii
Al`ternativy Vybora Dukhovnykh i Nravstvennykh Ubezhdenii: Sbornik Statei

[ Youth of modern Russia : Alternatives of spiritual choice and moral persuasion: Collection of articles ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This is a collection of articles on youth issues in Russia: youth organizations, student self-management, scientific and innovation potential of youth, actual education technologies, socialization, translation of knowledge and cultural traditions, linguistic and communication aspects of the youth environment, and the health of the nation.
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Code: 014400
Petrova, T.E
Sotsiologiia Studenchestva v Rossii
Etapy i Zakonomernosti Stanovleniia

[ Sociology of students and education in Russia : Phases and trends of its formation ]
St. Petersburg: Bel`veder, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This is a textbook of the history of Russian higher education and the sociology of students in Russia since 1890. It contains information about the social structure of students, their background, areas of interest, values, attitudes, and relationship.
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Code: 014872
Kutsepalenko, V.F., Luk`ianov, V.G., Muzykantov, S.P
Tomskaia Gornaia Shkola

[ The Tomsk mining school : ]
Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo Universiteta, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
The Mining School of the Tomsk Polytechnic University was founded in 1900. In 1962 it became part of the Kuzbass State Technical University. This book celebrates the 100th anniversary of the School and covers its history and achievements in numerous fields.
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Code: 027737-01
Etnokul`turnoe Obrazovanie
Metody Sotsial`noi Orientatsii Rossiiskoi Shkoly: Vyp. 1

[ Ethnocultural education : Methods of social orientation in Russian schools: Part 1 ]
Moscow: IEA RAN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
The collection work deals with the ethnic policy of the government in education. The contributors from several major regions of Russia analyze the situation with teaching native languages in school and other sources on ethnocultural issues.
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Code: 005641-2
Soskin, V. L
Vysshee Obrazovanie i Nauka v Sovetskoi Rossii
Pervoe Desiatiletie (1917-1927)

[ College and University education and science in the Soviet Russia : The First decade: 1917-1927 ]
Novosibirsk: Novosibirskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This monograph continues the series fof publications by well known Russian historian Varlen Soskin on the formation and history of the Soviet culture in the first decade of its existence. This work is about creation of the new system of high education and academic science and/or reformation of the pre-revolutionary one in Russia.
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Code: 013752
Trudy Vol`nogo Ekonomicheskogo Obshchestva Rossii

[ Transactions of the Free Economic Society of Russia : ]
Moscow: Ekonomika, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
A collection of works by young scientists and students - winners of the “Russia on the Threshold of the 21st Century” contest. The works are presented in three categories: high school students, college students, and graduate students in business and economics As full texts of the works would have amounted to over 500 pages, they were edited and all illustrations, tables, and bibliography were removed.
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Code: 004047
Obrazovanie i Kul`tura Respubliki Kazakhstan
Statisticheskii Sbornik

[ Education and culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Statistical collection : Statisticheskii Sbornik ]
Almaty: Kazinformtsentr, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
A statistical collection about the state of education, science and culture in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1980-1993.
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Code: 027558-3
Mir Detstva v Russkom Zarubezh`e
III Kul`turolog. Chteniia "Russkaia Emigratsiia XX Veka": Moskva, 25-27 Marta 2009

[ The world of childhood in Russian emigration : III culturological readings "Russians abroad 20th century" ]
Moscow: Dom-Muzei Mariny Tsvetaevoi, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 30.00
Collection of papers of Russian and foreign scholars on the theme of childhood in Russian literature abroad. One of the topics is the loss or preservation of the Russian language in children brought up in Russian families abroad, periodicals for children, literature about children and for them, memoirs about childhood, etc.
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Code: 012768
Drob’iazko, P.I
Ukrans’ka Natsional’na Shkola
Vytoky i Suchasnist’

[ Ukrainian national education : Origins and modernity ]
Ky¿v: Akademiia, 1997
Language: Ukranian
 Price: $ 24.00
This book is about the history of Ukrainian national education, different schools, methods and teaching aids, the role of the Orthodox Church in education.
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Code: 016045
Osnovy Monitoringa Kachestva Obrazovaniia v Sovremennoi Sel`skoi Shkole
Issledovaniia v Altaiskom Krae

[ Monitoring the quality of education in the modern country school : Studies in the Altai Krai ]
Barnaul: Azbuka, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.50
This book contains the results and methodology of analysis of the quality of education in country schools in the Altai Krai. Bibliography, questionnaires.
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Code: 031053-13
Naukovedcheskie Issledovaniia, 2013
Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov

[ Research on science. 2013 : Collected scientific works ]
Moscow: INION RAN, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This is a collection of analytical reviews about general tends in Russian sciences and education. The contributors presents results of analytical studies in science (naukometriia) and discuss the directions of further development in the sciences, humanities and education.
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Code: 031414
Belenchuk, L.N
Prosveshchenie Rossii
Vzgliad Zapadnikov i Slavianofilov

[ The Education in Russia : Views of the Westernists and Slavophiles ]
Moscow: PSTGU, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This monograph studies with ideas of the Westernists and Slavophiles on education in the mid 19th century. The author discusses the interaction of the two cultural traditions of education focusing on the following issues: individual freedom, role of knowledge in raising young people, role of the historical knowledge in the formation of the nation, etc.
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Code: 031551
Burkova, T.V
Akademicheskaia Gimnaziia
Ocherki Istorii (1963-1991): Shkola-Internat `45 pri LGU

[ Academic high school : Essays in history (1963-1991): Boarding School No. 45 LGU ]
St. Petersburg: SPbGU, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This is the book on the history of the Academic high school under the aegis of the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) University, the former physics-mathematical school. It includes memoirs of its teachers and students, documents and press publications.
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