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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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$ 39.00
Sovetsko-Amerikanskie Otnosheniia
Gody Nepriznaniia: 1927-1933
[ Soviet-American Relations : Years of non-recognition: 1927-1933]

Comp., com., and transl. by V.V. Aldoshin et al; ed. by A.N. Iakovlev, G.N. Sevost`ianov, Jonathan Haslam
Moscow:  Mezhdunarodnyi Fond "Demokratiia`, 2002
630 p
Serie: Rossiia. XX Vek
Hardcover. 16.5 x 24 cm
ISBN: 5856460804
Language: Russian
This is the third volume of the series on the relations between Russia and the U.S. Included in this collection are documents and materials which record the relations between soviet Russia and the USA in the period up to establishment of diplomatic relations. Most have not been published previously. Washington`s position was determined by its unwillingness to recognize the Bolshevik regime; however, it was in the interest of the USA to have normal relations with the USSR for economic cooperation. The evolution of bilateral Soviet-American relations, the nature of trade and economic ties are reflected in the documents from the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 379 documents, subject and name indices.
» Government and Politics   » International Relations and Geopolitical Studies
» History: General Works and Philosophy of History   » Russia in the 20th-21st Centuries

This book is part of the series ''

Other books of the series:
» Aleksandr Iakovlev
» Protsess Bukharina
» F. E. Dzerzhinskii - Predsedatel` VChK-OGPU. 1917-1926
» Ochistim Rossiiu Nadolgo…"
» Voennaia Razvedka Informiruet
» Nikita Khrushchev. 1964
» Sovetskoe Obshchestvo: Vozniknovenie, Razvitie, Istoricheskii Final
» Stalin i Kosmopolitizm
» Stalinskie Deportatsii: 1928 - 1953
» Iaroslavskoe Vosstanie
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