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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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$ 19.00
Mel`gunova-Stepanova, P.E
Dnvenik: 1914–1920
[ Diary: 1914-1920]

Moscow:  Kuchkovo pole, 2014
320 p
Serie: Zhivaia Istoriia
Hardcover. 12 x 20 cm
ISBN: 9785995004639
Language: Russian
This is a memoir of the wife of the famous historian and publisher S.P. Mel`gunov - Praskov`ia Evgen`evna Mel`gunova-Stepanova (1881-1974). She studied philosophy at the Zurich University and later became one of the leaders of the party of National Socialists. Along with her husband she was exiled in 1922. She outlived her husband and published all his historical works and memoirs. This book includes her memoirs from WWI to 1920. Also available books by Mel`gunov, S.P. (Melgounov, S.P): Martovskie Dni 1917 (2006). Aleksandr I. Sfinks na Trone (2010); Kak Bol`sheviki Zakhvatili Vlast`: "Zolotoi Nemetskii Kliuch" k Bol`shevistskoi Revoliutsii (2014).
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This book is part of the series ''

Other books of the series:
» Povsednevnaia Zhizn` Srednevekovoi Rusi Nakanune Kontsa Sveta
» Povsednevnaia Zhizn` Russkoi Armii vo Vremena Suvorovskikh Voin
» Iz Perezhitogo
» Pobeg Generala Kornilova iz Avstriiskogo Plena
» Povsednevnaia Zhizn` Amerikanskoi Sem`i
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