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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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Solonin, Mark
22 Iiunia, ili Kogda Nachalas` Velikaia Otechestvennaia Voina
[ 22 June, or when the Great Patriotic War began]

2nd ed
Moscow:  Eksmo, 2008
512 p. [8 ill.]ImagesMaps
Serie: Velikaia Otechestvennaia: Neizvestnaia voina
Hardcover. 12.5 x 20 cm
ISBN: 9785699151967
Language: Russian
This book claims to overthrow common ideas about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, and the cause of the catastrophic losses of the first months of the war. The author disputes Suvorov`s theory, which states that the soviet army was prepared for offensive, but not for defensive action. Solonin present his version of the beginning of the war with new data and a new interpretation. It took the author fifteen years to collect and analyze data about the two weeks in June 1941. The book received a good review by Viktor Suvorov, who calls it "a scholarly deed".
» History: General Works and Philosophy of History   » Russia in the 20th-21st Centuries   » World War Two
» Military / National Security / Aerospace   » Military Conflicts, Wars, and Terrorism   » WWII—The Great Patriotic War

This book is part of the series ''

Other books of the series:
» 23 Iiunia: "Den` M"
» Drugaia Khronologiia Katastrofy 1941
» Kratkii Kurs Velikoi Otechestvennoi Voiny
» 25 Iiunia: Glupost` ili Agressiia?
» Net Blaga na Voine
» Na Mirno Spiashchikh Aerodromakh… 22 Iiunia 1941 Goda
» Na Mirno Spiashchikh Aerodromakh… 22 Iiunia 1941 Goda
» Leningradskaia Boinia
» Umylis` Krov`iu
» Voennye Prestupniki Stalin i Beriia
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