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$ 65.00
Literaturnoe Nasledstvo" za 80 let
Ukazateli k Tomam 1-103 za 1931-2011 Gody: V 5 Knigakh: Kn.1
[ "Literaturnoe nasledstvo" for 80 years : Indices to volume 1-103 for 1931-2011: In five books: book 1]

Ed. by A.Iu. Galushkin
Moscow:  IMLI RAN, 2013
584 pImages
Serie: Literaturnoe Nasledstvo. Tom 104, kn.1 1 of 5
Hardcover. 16 x 26 cm. Printing 800
ISBN: 9785920804198
Language: Russian
Volume 104, in five books, is published in the honor of the 80th jubilee of the series and summarizes its publications from 1931 to 2011. The first book of this volume includes: an annotated index of the previous volumes of Literaturnoe Nasledstvo, index of publications about the series, biographical handbook of contributors to the series, and appendices. Four more book are expected in this volumes. Book 2 - an index of illustrations. Books 3-5 - name index. Standing order is available. (0.985 kg.)
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