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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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Ethno-Confessional map of the Leningrad Oblast and contiguous territories - 2
The Third A. M. Shegren readings: Collection of articles
[ Etnokonfessionalnaia Karta Leningradskoi Oblasti i Sopredelnykh Territorii - 2 : Tret`e Shegrenovskie Chteniia: Sbornik Statei]

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Comp. and ed. by S.B. Korneva, O.M. Fishman
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Москва:  Evropeiskii Dom, 2009
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ISBN: 9785801502656
Язык: Русский
The present collection contains articles by Russian and Finnish scholars prepared on the basis of the reports made at the Third Sjogren (A. M. Shegren, 1794-1855) readings held in 2008, which continued the study of the ethno-confessional map of the Leningrad region and neighboring territories. This time the accent was on mapping ethnicities, their confessions and dialects, topo- and hidronyms, etc. Bibliographical references. (0.365 kg.)
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