Generaly i Ofitsery Vermakhta Rasskazyvaiut
Dokumenty iz Sledstvennykh Del Nemetskikh Voennoplennykh: 1944-1951
[ Wehrmacht generals and officers recount… : Documents from investigation materials of German prisoners of war, 1944-1951]
Comp. and ed. by V.G. Makarov, V.S. Khristoforov
Moscow: MFD, 2009 572 p Serie: Rossiia. XX Vek. Dokumenty Hardcover. 16 x 24 cm ISBN: 9785895110188 Language: RussianThese documents from the Russian security archives relate stories about the people who found themselves involuntary hostages of the national-socialist ideology, and about the little known events in which they participated or witnessed. The archival documents of investigation cases of general-Field-Marshals E. von Kleist and F. Schorner, Colonel-General R. Schmidt and other prominent military commanders of the Third Reich are made public for the first time. Comments. Name index.