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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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$ 29.00

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«Вводя Нравы и Обычаи Европейские в Европейском народе»
К Проблеме Адаптации Западных Идей и Практик в Российской Империи
[ Vvodia Nravy i Obychai Evropeiskie v Evropeiskom Narode" : K Probleme Adaptatsii Zapadnykh Idei i Praktik v Rossiiskoi Imperii]

"Introducing European manners and customs to a European nation": On the problem of adapting Western ideas and social practices in the Russian Empire
Сост. А.В. Доронин
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Москва:  РОССПЭН, 2008
255 p
Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm
ISBN: 9785824309966
This book is based on papers presented at the conference “XVIII century. Transfer of European Ideas to Russian Historical Context" (Moscow, 2006). Contents: A Monarchy based on law instead of despotism: The transfer and adaptation of European ideas... in the Age of Enlightenment/ Claus, Scharf; The enlightened reforms of Catherine the Great in the light of modern experiences of reform/Kamenskii, A.B.; The Attempt to restrict autocracy and the level of political consciousness of the Polish nobility in 1730/Kurukin, I.V.; Germans in the political elite of Russia in the first half of the 18th century/ Petrukhintsev, N.N.; Foreigners` notions of Russian political conditions and legal proceedings in crimes against the state during the reign of Elizabeth/ Rychalovskii, E.E., and more.
» История: Методология и Философия Истории   » Имперская Россия: XVII -XIX вв
» Государство и Политика   » Международные Отношения и Геополитика
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