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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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$ 37.00
Шенталинскии, Виталий Александрович
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[ Prestuplenie bez Nakazaniia : Dokumental`nye Povesti]

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Introd. by V. Leonovich
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Москва:  Прогресс-Плеяда, 2007
576 p. [64 ill.]Иллюстрации
Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm. 2 CD`s
ISBN: 9785930060331
Язык: Русский
This book is about writers, victims of political repression, the crimes of the totalitarian regime against the national culture which were left unpunished. The author has studied the KGB files since the early 1990s and published in 1995 his book about repressions against Babel`, Bulgakov, Florenskii, Pil`niak, Mandel`shtam, Kliuev, Platonov, and Gor`kii. The book includes many more names who became victims of the repressive machine, and it presents the author`s effort to charge the regime with crimes which have yet to be punished. Martyrology, bibliography, name index.
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