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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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$ 29.00
Сойфер, В.Н
Тень Ленина Его Усыновия...
Документальный Детектив об Одном Ленинском Лауреате и Советских Генетиках
[ Ten` Lenina Ego Usynovila... : Dokumental`nyi Detektiv ob Odnom Leninskom Laureate i Sovetskikh Genetikakh]

Lenin`s Ghost Adopted Him...: A Documentary Thriller about One Lenin Prize Laureate and Soviet Geneticists
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Москва:  ЧеРо, ДДФ Фаундейшн, 2006
432 pИллюстрации
Hardcover. 14 x 21 cm
ISBN: 5902527031
Язык: Русский
Valerii Soifer is the author of the bestselling first chronicle of biology of the soviet period “Power and Science: The History of the Destruction of Genetics in the USSR”, first published in 1989. This book is about academician-biologist Nikolai Dubinin. The author shows using him as an example how: talented scholars adapted their research and their professional life under pressure of the CPSU and the KGB, allowed themselves to be manipulated by these organs for the sake of administrative growth, and finally were destroyed as professionals and personalities. Soyfer also shows how party control made it possible to create "monopolists", "mini-Lysenko" in science who had a monopoly on "the only correct theory". The book includes unique documents and also the personal memoirs of the author. Also available by V. Soyfer: The Intellectual Elite and Philanthropy: Ten Years of the International Soros Science Education Program (2005).
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