История про то, Как Человеку в России Стать Свободным и Что Ему за Это Будет
[ Mikhail Khodorkovskii: Uznik Tishiny : Istoriia pro To, Kak Cheloveku v Rossii Stat` Svobodnym i Chto Emu za Eto Budet]
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Москва: Секрет Фирмы, 2005 262 p обл. 12 x 20 см ISBN: 5988880061 Язык: Русский
This is a documentary story of the Russian tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovskii, who was recently charged with several economic crimes and sentenced to 9 years in prison. The story is not complimentary but rather a reflection of the way the Russian active population came through the last two decades, their moral and intellectual evolution and their confrontation with a new political regime, that seems to try to reverse the political situation and withdraw major economic and personal freedoms. Valerii Paniushkin (b. 1969) is a correspondent for the newspaper Kommersant and columnist in the internet daily "Gazeta.ru". He received the award "Zolotoe pero Rossii" for this column. The author analyzes Khodorkovskii`s most recent letters from prison about the fate of the liberal movement in Russia. Paniushkin makes a visible effort to be objective and fair in this sad book.