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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

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$ 34.50
Chernov, S.N
Constitutional and Legal Regulation of relations between the Russian Federation and its Subjects

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[ Konstitutsionno-Pravovoe Regulirovanie Otnoshenii mezhdy Rossiiskoi Federatsiei i ee Sub`ektami]

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St. Petersburg:  Iuridicheskii Tsentr Press, 2004
559 p
Hardcover. 14 x 20 cm
ISBN: 5924013551
Язык: Русский
This monograph deals with the historical roots and theoretical principles of Russian federalism and the problem of sovereignty. It shows the role of the federal Constitutional Court and Constitutional Courts of the members of the RF in the formation of the united legal and constitutional space, constitutional and legal regulations of relations between the federal and local budgets, and the development of federated relations. Bibliography.
» Государство и Политика   » Федеральная и Местная Администрации, Федерализм
» Закон и Правосудие   » Федеральное Правительство и Субьекты Федерации
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