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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Small Indigenous Nations of Siberia

Total records: 216
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ]
Code: 002976
Darbasov, V.R., Platonov, I.S
Semeinaia Ekonomika v Iakutii
Teoriia, Opyt, Problemy

[ Semeinaia Ekonomika v Iakutii : Teoriia, Opyt, Problemy ]
Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This monograph deals with the economy of the household in Yakutia (Sakha), its theory, experience, and problems. Bibliography (pp. 148-151)
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Code: 007244-8
Arkhitekturnoe Nasledie v Fotografiiakh

[ Buriatia : Arkhitekturnoe Nasledie v Fotografiiakh ]
: Tri Kvadrata, 2008
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 39.00
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Code: 024887
Zelenye Zvezdy Padaiut v Sinee More..."
Fol`klor Chukotki

[ "Green stars are falling in the blue sea ... " : Folklore of Chukotka : Fol`klor Chukotki ]
Moscow: RuPab+, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
A collection of Chukchi, Even, and Eskimo tales and songs, collected and translated by poet V.V. Portugalov. (0.135 kg.)
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Code: 022405
Materialy Nauchno-Bogoslovskoi Konferenrsii "300 Let Pravoslaviia na Kamchatke"
Missiia Tserkvi v Proshlom i Nastoiashchem:

[ 300 hundred years of Russian Orthodoxy at Kamchatka : Mission of the Church in the past and present: Materials of the scholarly-theological conference ]
: Pravoslavnyi Sviato-Tikhonovskii Gumanit. Un-t, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
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Code: 004769-2
Korennye Narody Dal`nego Vostoka Rossii
Nabor Tsvetnykh Otkrytok

[ Aboriginal Peoples of the Russian Far East : Nabor Tsvetnykh Otkrytok ]
Vladivostok: 1994
Language: English
 Price: $ 22.50
Set of 24 postcards with scenes from everyday life and costumes of the aboriginal Peoples of the Russian Far East: Ainu, Aleuts, Chukchi, Chuvan, Eskimos, Evenk, Evens, Itelmen, Koryak, Nanay, Negidal, Nivkh, Orochi, Oroki, Udegeh, Ulchi, and Yukagir.
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Code: 025909
Zoriktuev, B.R
Aktual`nye Problemy Etnicheskoi Istorii Mongolov i Buriat

[ Actual problems of the ethnic history of the Mongols and Buryats : ]
Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This monograph focuses on the little studied issues of the ethnic history of the Mongols and Buryats. Contents: Ergune-Kun and the beginning of Mongolian history; Ethnic and socio-political processes in Mongolia in the 12th to the 14th centuries; Formation of the Buryat people.
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Code: 006648
Lbova, L.V., Khamzina, E.A
Drevnosti Buriatii
Karta Arkheologicheskikh Pamiatnikov

[ Ancient Buryatia : Map of archaeological sites ]
Ulan-Ude: Buriatskii Nauchnyi Tsentr SO RAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This monograph gives a systematic description of all archaeological sites known in 1996 and of the history of their studies in Buriatia. Most of the sites are located in the Lake Baikal region. The authors discuss the methodology of processing data for the purpose of creating archaeological maps.
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Code: 004641-1
Maloletko, A. M
Drevnie Narody Sibiri: Etnicheskii Sostav po Dannym Toponimiki
Tom I: Predystoriia Cheloveka i Iazyka: Ural`tsy

[ Ancient peoples of Siberia: Ethnic structure based on toponymic data : Volume one. Prehistory of man and language: Uralians ]
Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo Universiteta, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This first volume of a multi-volume publication consists of two parts. The first part presents the author`s theory of the first human settlement on the planet, the creation of human populations and their languages.
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Code: 004641
Maloletko, A. M
Drevnie Narody Sibiri: Etnicheskii Sostav po Dannym Toponimiki
Tom I: Predystoriia Cheloveka i Iazyka: Ural`tsy. Tom II: Kety

[ Ancient peoples of Siberia: Ethnic structure based on toponymic data : Volume one. Prehistory of man and language: Uralians. Volume 2" Kety ]
Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo Universiteta, 1999-2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
Special price: $ 44.10
Volume one presents the author`s theory of the first human settlement on the planet, the creation of human populations and their languages and covers the history of the formation of the peoples of the Finno-Ugrik language group and their languages.
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Code: 013043
Vitov, M.V
Antropologicheskie Dannye kak Istochnik po Istorii Kolonizatsii Russkogo Severa

[ Anthropological data as an information source on the history of the colonization of the Russian North : ]
Moscow: In-t Etnologii i Antropologii RAN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
The main subject of this posthumous edition is the physical type of the northern population of Russia. The linguistic, folklore, and anthropological data were gathered in 1953-1957 and continue to be significant.
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Code: 010947
Matiushchenko, V.I., Polevodov, A.V
Kompleks Arkheologicheskikh Pamiatnikov na Tatarskom Uvale u Derevni Okunevo

[ Archaelogical sites at Tatarskii Mount near the village Okunevo : ]
Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.50
This book is a summary of many years of excavations in Omsk territory, where archaeologists have found tombs dating from the early Bronze Age to the late Middle Ages, as well as a sacrificial altar from the Iron Age.
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Code: 001098
Moldavanova, Tat`iana
Arkhetipy v Mire Snovidenii Khantov

[ Archetypes of dreams of the Khanty : ]
Tomsk: izd-vo Tomskogo Un-ta, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
T. Moldovanova kept records of the dreams of her compatriots, the Khanty, an aboriginal people of West Siberia, one of the Finn-Uigor language group. What makes this book unique that the author used traditional the Khanty rules of interpreting recorded dreams.
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Code: 017502-3
Pinigina, Iu.N
Baikal`skii Region
Pravovoe Pole Etnopoliticheskoi Situatsii: 1992-2001

[ Baikal region : Legal basis of the ethnopolitical situation ]
Moscow-Irkutsk: Natalis, Irkutskii Gos. Universitet, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.50
Collected in this volume are the laws and other legislative acts of 1992-2001 of the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk Oblast reflect the ethnic politics in this unique multi-ethnic region. The documents covers all the main aspects of political and cultural life in the region: government structure, local self-government, nationalities politics, religious life, language as a factor in political life, education, culture, mass media, social policy, migration, inter-regional ties and ties with other regions.
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Code: 028693
Zonn, I.S., Kostianoi, A.G
Barentsevo More

[ Barents Sea : Encyclopedia ]
Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 41.00
This encyclopedia covers the most significant natural objects (about 700 entries) related to the Barents Sea, part of Arctic Ocean: islands, peninsulas, rivers, bays, their geographical characteristics, economy, culture and history, settlements, ports, water and biological resources, economy, international treaties, explorers of the region, etc.
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Code: 024550-06
Buriatiia: Stikhii i Katastrofy. Vyp. 6

[ Buriatia: The Elements and catastrophes. Issue 6 : ]
Ulan-Ude: Buriatskii Gosuniversitet, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
The sixth volume of the series Buryatia studies risks of the occurrence of natural disasters and catastrophes, their types, causes and consequences, the legal basis and uniform state system of prevention and elimination of extreme situations.
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Code: 017502-1
Stroganova, E.A
Buriatskoe Natsional`no-Kul`turnoe Vozrozhdenie
Konets 80-kh - Seredina 90-kh Godov XX Veka, Respublika Buriatiia

[ Buryat national and cultural revival : Konets 80-kh - Seredina 90-kh Godov XX Veka, Respublika Buriatiia ]
Moscow-Irkutsk: Natalis, Irkutskii Gos. Universitet, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.50
This monograph starts with a review of the history of Russian-Buryat relations, then describes the official and unofficial versions of the project of national cultural revival. The last chapter describes the reaction of the Buryats to this project, real steps and new political myths.
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Code: 030220
Mulina, S.A
Migranty Ponevole: Adaptatsiia Ssyl`nykh Uchastnikov Pol`skogo Vosstaniia 1863 Goda v Zapadnoi Sibiri (+CD)

[ Captive migrants: Adaptation of the exiled members of the Polish uprising of 1863 in Western Siberia (+ CD-ROM) : ]
St. Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
This monograph studies the relationship between the exiled members of the Polish uprising of 1863 and the aboriginal peoples of Western Siberia. The book includes data on more than 4,000 Polish exiles (the database on CD is attached to the book).
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Code: 019607
Gorbachena, V.V
Obriady i Prazdniki Koriakov

[ Ceremonies and festivals of the Koryak : ]
St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 43.50
This monograph continues the studies of the ethnogenesis, ethnic history and culture of one Northern indigenous people of the Kamchatka, the Koryak. The author describes both traditional and modern rituals and holidays related to their economy, transition and family cycle rites.
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Code: 014850
Chitinskaia Oblast`, Aginskii Buriatskii Avtonomnyi Okrug

[ Chita oblast, Aginsk Buryat autonomous district : Map ]
Moscow: Roskartografiia, 1994
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.75
Scale 1:1,000,000. General Geographic Maps of Members of the Russian Federation.
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Code: 008876
Korovushkin, D.G
Chuvashi Zapadnoi Sibiri
Etnodispersnaia Gruppa na Sovremennom Etape

[ Chuvash in Western Siberia : Ethnodispersive group ]
Novosibirsk: Institut Arkheologii i Etnografii RAN, 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 9.00
The Chuvash (about 1,8 million) are a relatively large ethnic group of the Russian Federation. Their ancestors settled in the Volga basin in the 6th century and later in Siberia. This monograph studies the ethnic self-identity, interethnic relations and marriages, material and spiritual culture of the Chuvash population in eleven regions of Western Siberia.
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Code: 015947
Karta Goroda

[ City of Yakutsk : City map ]
Moscow: Roskartografiia, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
Scale 1:15,000
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Code: 024686
Lamazhaa, Ch.K
Klanovost` v Politike Regionov Rossii
Tuvinskie Praviteli

[ Clan politics in the regions of Russia : Tuvan rulers ]
Moscow: Aleteiia, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 20.00
This book studies the clan traditions in the political and social life of the Republic of Tuva from its beginning to the present, and how various political systems (monarchy, soviet and post-soviet) were intertwined with clan traditions.
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Code: 007571
Soslovno-Pravovoe Polozhenie i Administrativnoe Ustroistvo Korennykh Narodov Severo-Zapadnoi Sibiri (Konets XVI - Nachalo XX Veka)
Sbornik Pravovykh Aktov i Dokumentov

[ Class-legal status and administrative structure of the native peoples of North-Western Siberia: End of the 16th-beginning of the 20th century : Sbornik Pravovykh Aktov i Dokumentov ]
Tiumen`: Institut Problem Osvoeniia Severa SO RAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
The basic legal acts of the Russian autocracy of the 16th-early 20th centuries are arranged in a systematic way in this book. They define the legal status, administrative and tax system of the aboriginal people of the Siberian North.
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Code: 007295-03
Kul`tura Narodov Sibiri
Materialy Tret`ikh Sibirski Chtenii

[ Culture of Siberian Peoples : Materials of the third readings ]
: Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii (Kunstkamera), 1997
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
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Code: 007578
Knigi Kirillicheskoi Pechati v Sobranii Muzeia Istorii Buriatii im. M.N. Khangalova

[ Cyrillic books in the collection of the M.N. Kahgalov Museum of Buryatian History : Katalog ]
Novosibirsk: GPNTB SO RAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This catalog introduces a very interesting collection of old books in the Cyrillic tradition of the 16th-20th centuries. It contains descriptions of 264 books. Most of them were disseminated in the Transbaikal area beginning in the 18th century.
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Code: 010944
Kocheshkov, N.V
Dekorativnoe Iskusstvo Narodov Nizhnego Amura i Sakhalina XIX-XX vv
Problemy Etnicheskikh Traditsii

[ Decorative arts of the peoples of the Amur River basin and the island of Sakhalin in the 19th-20th centuries : Ethnic traditions ]
St. Petersburg: Institut Istorii, Arkheologii i Etnografii Narodov Dal`nego Vostoka, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This book is on the history of the arts of small indigenous nations of the Far North. Profusely illustrated. Bibliographical references.
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Code: 004156
Skobelev, S. G
Demografiia Korennykh Narodov Sibiri v XVII-XX vv.
Kolebaniia Chislennosti i ikh Prichiny: Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Demography of the native peoples of Siberia in the 17th-20th centuries : Fluctuations in their numbers and their causes: Textbook ]
Novosibirsk: Novosibirskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
Population fluctuations of Siberian native peoples are studied since the time they become part of Russia. The works shows the evident growth of the non-Russian population in the Far North and explains the concrete reasons of temporary situations when this was not the case.
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Code: 008241-1/2
Fedorov, A.I., Bukhareva, N.T
Slovar` Russkikh Govorov Sibiri
Tom 1, Chast` 2: D - I

[ Dictionary of Russian dialects of Siberia : Volume one, part two: D - I ]
Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
The history of the Russian settlement of Siberia begins with the annexation of Siberia to the Russian empire in the 16th century. It continues with migrations from Russia, Ukraine, and Belorussia in the 18th-20th centuries.
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Code: 008241-2
Fedorov, A.I., Bukhareva, N.T
Slovar` Russkikh Govorov Sibiri
Tom 2: K - N

[ Dictionary of Russian dialects of Siberia : Volume two: K - N ]
Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.00
This is the second volume of the new dictionary of Russian dialects of Siberia. Their history begins with the annexation of Siberia to the Russian empire in the 16th century. It continues with migrations from Russia, Ukraine, and Belorussia in the 18th-20th centuries.
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Code: 005373
Slovar` Govorov Staroobriadtsev (Semeiskikh) Zabaikal`ia

[ Dictionary of Semeisky Old Believer dialects of Transbaikalia : ]
Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This dictionary covers the dialect vocabulary spoken by the descendants of the Semeisky Old Believers, who were expelled from their motherland, and who since the 18th century have been surrounded by other dialects in the remote areas of Transbaikalia.
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