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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.

Этнические Конфликты и Политика

Всего записей: 121
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
Код: 025731
Emanuilov, R.Ia., Iashlavskii, A.E
Terror in name of faith: Religion and political violence

[ Terror in name of faith: Religion and political violence ]
Москва: Mosty kul`tury / Gesharim, 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 43.00
This monograph studies the ideological basis of "religious terrorism". The authors focus on the history of extremist and separatist movements in the postsoviet space, principles and methods of their spread.
Код: 001483
Вялков, Анатолий
Around Chechnya
Krepok li Tyl Rossii na Severnom Kavkaze?

[ Around Chechnya : Does Russia have a strong rear in the Northern Caucasus? ]
Москва: Modest Kolerov, 2005
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 6.50
Analysis of internal problems in Chechnya`s neighbors: Dagestan, Ingushetia, and Karachaevo-Cherkessia. These problems may be a source of future political ambiguity and lack of stability in these republics.
Код: 028991
Zdanov, A.A.; Malenkov, Georgii
Stalin and the cosmopolitans

[ Stalin and the cosmopolitans ]
Москва: Algoritm, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 18.00
This is a collection of Stalin`s comrades-in-arm in his fight with the anti-patriotic, "cosmopolitan" trend in Russian culture. "Cosmopolitan" was a soviet euphemism and meant mostly Jews. This book contains eight newspaper articles and speeches of Andrei Zhdanov, and thirteen by G.
Код: 010508-147
Matveev, V.A
Historical experience of opposition to separatism in the North Caucasus and contemporaneity

[ Historical experience of opposition to separatism in the North Caucasus and contemporaneity ]
Москва: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 2002
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 13.00
This report provides complex analysis of a certain form of separatism observed in the past in European and Eurasian parts of civilization splits. The author classifies it as a Vandei form, characterized by ethnic cleansing of some territories and by terrorist methods of gaining isolation.

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Код: 030006
Ukrainian nationalistic organizations in the years of WWII
Dokumenty: v 2 T. T.1: 1939-1943. T.2: 1944-1945

[ Ukrainian nationalistic organizations in the years of WWII : Documents: In two volumes. V. 1: 1939-1943. V. 2: 1944-1945 ]
Москва: ROSSPEN, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 139.00
This is a collection of documents of Ukrainian nationalistic organizations in the years of WWII located mostly on territories of Western Ukraine. The collection includes documents arranged by year from Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Polish, and German archives.
Код: 027561
Denninkhaus, Viktor (Donninghaus, Victor)
In the shadow of "Big Brother"
Zapadnye Natsional`nye Men`shinstva v SSSR (1917-1938 gg.)

[ In the shadow of "Big Brother" : Western nationality minorities in the USSR (1917-1938) ]
Москва: ROSSPEN, 2011
Язык: ???????
 Цена: $ 50.00
This book is about the policy of the Soviet state towards non-Russian nationalities: German, Polish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Fin, and Greek. V. Donninghaus is a professor of history at Freiburg University (Germany).

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Код: 031831
Russia - is not Ukraine
Sovremennye Aktsenty Natsionalizma: Sbornik Statei

[ Russia - is not Ukraine : The modern accent of nationalism: Collected articles ]
Москва: Tsentr "Sova", 2014
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 14.00
This is a collection of articles on manifestations of cultural and religious xenophobia in Russia, its leaders, brands and expansion into other countries, and their role in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
Код: 028099
Minkina, O.Iu
"Sons of Rachel": Jewish deputies in the Russian Empire. 1772-1825

[ "Sons of Rachel": Jewish deputies in the Russian Empire. 1772-1825 ]
Москва: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 36.00
This book describes the relations between the representatives of the Jewish population and the imperial aristocracy in 1772-1825. It studies Russian national and confessional policy, attitude of bureaucrats toward Jewish people, its class privileges, etc.
Код: 025700
Lazerson, Viktor, Lazerson-Rostovskaia, Tamara
Notes from Kaunas ghetto
Katastrofa skvoz` Prizmu Detskikh Dnevnikov: Dnevniki. Ocherki. Stikhi

[ Notes from Kaunas ghetto : The catastrophe through the prism of children`s diaries: Diaries. Essays. Poems ]
Москва: Vremia, 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 31.00
These are the diaries of prisoners of the Kaunas ghetto, teenagers Tamara and Viktor, which have a lot in common with the dairy of Anna Frank. The diaries combine historical events with details of everyday life.
Код: 025964
Sitnianskii, G.Iu
Russia and Central Asia: Together or apart?
Mezhetnicheskie Otnosheniia v Srednei Azii i Kazakhstane i Rossiia

[ Russia and Central Asia: Together or apart? : Inter-ethnic relations in Central Asia and Kazakhstan, and Russia ]
Москва: IEA RAN, 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 31.00
This book analyzes the open conflicts and secret confrontations in Central Asia and Kazakhstan of the late 20th to early 21st centuries among several nations. The conflicts have multiple reasons but mostly over land and water, mineral resources, border issues, religious radicalism, etc.
Код: 005065
Bashirov, L.A
Islam in the context of ethnopolitical processes in modern Russia

[ Islam in the context of ethnopolitical processes in modern Russia ]
Москва: RAGS, 2008
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 29.00
Russia has about forty ethnic groups which are believers in Islam. Many modern concepts related to modern Islam have no a common definition or interpretation. Among them are: Islamist fundamentalism, Wahhabism, Islamism, political Islam, radical Islam, etc.
Код: 002145-11E
Al`perovich, V., Verkhovskii, A.M., Sibirtseva, O.A., et al
Ksenofobiia, Svoboda Sovesti i Antiekstremizm v Rossii v 2011 Godu
A Collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis

[ Ksenofobiia, Svoboda Sovesti i Antiekstremizm v Rossii v 2011 Godu : Sbornik Ezhegodnykh Dokladov ]
Москва: Sova, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 7.00
This is an annual collection of reports of the SOVA Center on this topic. The report summarizes all the major areas of research by the Center in 2011. Appendices include statistical data and the cases which were tried by Russian courts on extremist charges.
Код: 002145-10
Verkhovskii, A.M., Kozhevnikova, G.V., Sibirtseva, O.A., et al
Xenophobia, freedom of conscience and anti-extremism in Russia in 2010
Sbornik Ezhegodnykh Dokladov

[ Xenophobia, freedom of conscience and anti-extremism in Russia in 2010 : A Collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis ]
Москва: Sova, 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 7.00
This is the fifth annual collection of reports of the SOVA Center on this topic. The report summarizes all the major areas of research by the Center for Information and Analysis in 2010. The first report, The Ghost of Manezh Square: Radical Nationalism in Russia, addresses pressing issues, such as the growth of radical nationalism, hate crimes, and the efforts of government and society to combat these problems.
Код: 014517
Sadur, V.G
The Turkic peoples, Tatars, Muslims: Articles, outlines, essays

[ The Turkic peoples, Tatars, Muslims: Articles, outlines, essays ]
Москва: Mardzhani, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 23.00
Valiakhmet (Vladimir) Sadur (1939-2006), a notable Muslim ethnologist, devoted all his life to the study of the Muslims. His works are published for the first time. Contents: O musul`manskom missionerstve; O neobkhodimosti islamskoi akademii nauk v SNG; Zachem musul`manam Rossii obshchii iazyk?; Tiurkskii element v iazykovoi situatsii na Severnom Kavkaze do 1917 g.
Код: 002145-11R
Al`perovich, V., Verkhovskii, A.M., Sibirtseva, O.A., et al
Xenophobia, freedom of conscience and anti-extremism in Russia in 2011
Sbornik Ezhegodnykh Dokladov

[ Xenophobia, freedom of conscience and anti-extremism in Russia in 2011 : A Collection of annual reports by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis ]
Москва: Sova, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 7.00
This is the sixth annual collection of reports of the SOVA Center on this topic. The report summarizes all the major areas of research by the Center in 2011. Appendices include statistical data and the cases which were tried by Russian courts on extremist charges.

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Код: 028055
Crimean political dialogue 2010

[ Crimean political dialogue 2010 ]
Москва: [n.p.], 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 23.00
This collection deals with the issues of language policy in several countries: Iazykovaia politika v Finliandii; Vnedrenie mnogoiazychnogo obrazovaniia: opyt Latvii; Perspektivy vnedreniia trekh`iazychnogo obrazovaniia v Krymu, etc.

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Код: 029482
Encyclopedia of exile
Deportatsiia, Prinuditel`noe Vyselenie i Etnicheskaia Chistka v Evrope v XX Veke

[ Encyclopedia of exile : Deportations, forced resettlements and ethnic cleansing in Europe in the 20th century ]
Москва: ROSSPEN, 2013
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 45.00
This is the first dictionary on subjects of deportations, forced resettlements and ethnic cleansing in Europe and Russia in the 20th century. Among the contributors to this dictionary are scholars from several countries.

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Код: 029670
The crisis of multiculturalism and issues of national policy

[ The crisis of multiculturalism and issues of national policy ]
Москва: Ves` Mir, 2013
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
Спец. цена: $ 24.00
This collective monograph deals with theoretical and practical aspects of modern national policy in multiethnic societies like Germany, Russia, Ukraine and other European countries. The authors ascertain the crisis of the theory and practice of multiculturalism.
Код: 030189
Osipov, A.G
Ethnicity and equality in Russia
Osobennosti Vospriiatiia

[ Ethnicity and equality in Russia : Peculiarities of perception ]
Москва: Tsentr "Sova", 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 9.00
This monograph analyzes the issue of ethnic inequality and protection of minorities in Russia. Bibliography (0.265 kg.)
Код: 029714
Malakhov, Vladimir
Cultural differences and political boundaries in the epoch of global migration

[ Cultural differences and political boundaries in the epoch of global migration ]
Москва: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, IF RAN, 2014
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 25.00
The current epoch may be called the epoch of global migration. Many countries voluntarily or not open their borders to migrants and meet the problem of cultural differences and the preservation of national identity and unity.
Код: 025885
Mal`kova, V.K
Mobilization of ethnic communities in modern Russia
Po Materialam Etnicheskikh SMI

[ Mobilization of ethnic communities in modern Russia : From materials of the ethnic media ]
Москва: IEA RAN, 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 23.00
This monograph presents research into the processes of the formation and ethno-political mobilization of new ethnic communities emerging in post-Soviet Russia as a result of migration, tendencies in their work, the ways of their further development, etc.

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Код: 031507
Europism and nationalism in the countries of Eastern Europe
Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov

[ Europism and nationalism in the countries of Eastern Europe : Collected scholarly works ]
Москва: INION RAN, 2014
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 14.00
This collection studies the tradition of nationalism vs. Europeism in countries of Eastern Europe, former soviet satellites. The author show how this opposition plays with various social groups in the countries of the regions, the degree of integration of their economy and identity in the EU, manifestation of nationalism in internal politics, and the perception of Russia in the context of the European choice.

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Код: 017215
Post-soviet ethnic federal studies
Bibliograficheskii Ukazatel`

[ Post-soviet ethnic federal studies ]
??????: In-t Tsivilizatsionnykh i Regional`nykh Issledovanii, 2002
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 12.00
This bibliographic index contains the recent works on ethnic aspects of modernization of federative relations in the post-soviet period. 892 entries.

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Код: 027417
Ethno-cultural technologies for prevention of extremism and xenophobia
Materialy Mezhregional`nogo Seminara (8-10 Sentiabria 2010 Goda)

[ Ethno-cultural technologies for prevention of extremism and xenophobia : Materials of interregional seminar (September 2010) ]
Москва: Pravitel`stvo Vologodskoi oblasti, 2009
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 11.00
This is a collection of papers on the ethno-cultural technologies for the prevention of extremism and xenophobia and the harmonization of interethnic relations. After the ethnic conflict in the town of Kondopoga in the Russian North the issue of interethnic relations among migrants and native settlers became quite real.
Код: 029529
Verkhovskii, A.M
The policy of the state on the treatment of the national-radical union: 1991-2002

[ The policy of the state on the treatment of the national-radical union: 1991-2002 ]
Москва: Sova, 2013
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 12.00
This book analyzes legislative acts, drafts and other initiatives on national radical associations in Russia and how they are reflected in the current law "O protivodeistvii ekstremistskoi deiatel`nosti" (On counteraction to extremist activities).
Код: 029198
Osipov, A.G
What is ethnic discrimination and what one can do about it?

[ What is ethnic discrimination and what one can do about it? ]
Москва: Tsentr "Sova", 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 14.00
This book deals with possible interpretations of equality and inequality on ethnic grounds in the realities of the Russian society. The author also discusses various approaches to dealing with this issue.

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Код: 002145-10E
Verkhovskii, A.M., Kozhevnikova, G.V., Sibireva, O.A., et al

Москва: Informatsionno-Analiticheskii Tsentr "Sova", 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 7.00
A collection of annual reports summarizes all the major areas of research by the SOVA Center for Information and Analysis in 2009. This is the fifth annual collection of reports of the SOVA Center on this topic.
Код: 008431
Rusakovich, A.A
Roads of the Caucasian war
Avtostopom po Chechne, Dagestanu i Drugim Nespokoinym Mestam

[ Roads of the Caucasian war : Hitchhiking in Chechnia, Dagestan and other hot places ]
Москва: V.A. Kryshtanovskii, 2010
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
The author hitchhiked in Chechnia, Dagestan, Kurdistan and other hot places of the Caucasus to see the consequences of the military conflicts and terrorist attacks which took place in the twenty years since the fall of the USSR.

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Код: 030458
Soviet ethnopolitics: 1930 - 1940s
Sbornik Dokumentov

[ Soviet ethnopolitics: 1930 - 1940s : Collected documents ]
Москва: IRI RAN, 2012
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 32.00
This book includes documents on different aspects of Soviet ethnopolitics. It focuses on the most important resolutions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Council of People`s Commissars before WWII.
Код: 028660
Tishkov, V.A., Shabaev, Iu.P
Ethnopolitology: The political functions of ethnicity
Uchebnik dlia Vuzov

[ Ethnopolitology: The political functions of ethnicity : Textbook for colleges ]
Москва: MGU, 2011
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 42.00
This teaching aid is based on numerous studies in ethnopolitical factors and their political functions in Russia. The book describes the history of political forms of organization of ethnic groups and peoples of Russia, their interaction with the government, the government policy on ethnic issues and ethnic conflicts.
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