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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Peoples of the Russian Federation

Total records: 327
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Code: 010739-4
Goberman, D
Jewish Tombstones in Ukraine and Moldova

[ Jewish Tombstones in Ukraine and Moldova : ]
Moscow: Image, 1993
Language: English and Russian
 Price: $ 48.00
Masterpieces of Jewish Art is a pictorial series of treasures in the countries of the NIS. This volume deals with carved Jewish tombstones. Jewish communities in old shtetls of Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and the Baltic states had centuries-old cemeteries with countless tombstones which were worshipped as sacred relics.
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Code: 020783
Kosmarskaia, N.P. (Natal`ia Petrovna)
Deti Imperii" v Postsovetskoi Tsentral`noi Azii
Adaptivnye Praktiki i Mental`nye Sdvigi: Russkie v Kirgizii, 1992-2002

[ Deti Imperii" v Postsovetskoi Tsentral`noi Azii : Adaptivnye Praktiki i Mental`nye Sdvigi: Russkie v Kirgizii, 1992-2002 ]
Moscow: Natalis, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This book is based on a critical assessment of Western and Russian scholarship on the "compatriots` issue" that appeared in the 1990s-early 2000s as well as on rich empirical data. It attempts to address actual issues of Russian-speakers and their children via micro-level research.
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Code: 010739-2
Shedevry Evreiskogo Iskusstva
Khudozhniki Vitebska: Ieuda Pen i Ego Ucheniki

[ Shedevry Evreiskogo Iskusstva : Khudozhniki Vitebska: Ieuda Pen i Ego Ucheniki ]
: Novosti - Imidzh, [1992]
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 48.00
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Code: 003213-3
Dokumenty po Istorii i Kul`ture Evreev v Trofeinykh Kollektsiiakh Rossiiskogo Gosudarstvennogo Voennogo Arkhiva

[ Dokumenty po Istorii i Kul`ture Evreev v Trofeinykh Kollektsiiakh Rossiiskogo Gosudarstvennogo Voennogo Arkhiva : Putevoditel` ]
: Mosty Kul`tury, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
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Code: 005563
El`iashevich, D.A
Pravitel`stvennaia Politika i Evreiskaia Pechat` v Rossii, 1797-1917
Ocherki Istorii Tsenzury

[ Pravitel`stvennaia Politika i Evreiskaia Pechat` v Rossii, 1797-1917 : Ocherki Istorii Tsenzury ]
St. Petersburg-Jerusalem: Mosty Kul`tury - Gesharim, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This monograph is a multifaceted study on the history of governmental censorship of Jewish publishing in the Russian empire: books and periodicals in Hebrew, Yiddish, and Russian. It gives a comprehensive account of its organization, staff, and the main areas of activity.
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Code: 001274
Saul Borovoi: Vospominaniia

[ Saul Borovoi: Vospominaniia : ]
: Evreiskii Universitet, Gesharim, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 17.00
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Code: 015155
Dvornik, Frantishek (Dvornik, Francis)
Slaviane v Evropeiskoi Istorii i Tsivilizatsii

[ Slaviane v Evropeiskoi Istorii i Tsivilizatsii : ]
Moscow: Iazyki Slavianskoi Kul`tury, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This is the first monograph in Russian of the well known medievalist Francis Dvornik (1893-1975). This book was based on a course of lectures written at Harvard University in the 1950s. The monograph covers the fate of Slavic people and Slavic civilization in the European context of the 13th-19th centuries.
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Code: 014935
Goishtein, Sh. (Goitein, S.D.)
Evrei i Araby: Ikh Sviazi na Protiazhenii Vekov

[ Evrei i Araby: Ikh Sviazi na Protiazhenii Vekov : ]
Moscow-Jerusalem: Mosty Kul`tury-Gesharim, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is a book on the history of the relations between Jews and Arabs, the Jewish tradition in Islam, factual and legal position of Jews according to Arabic Islam, economic transformation and social reorganization of Jews in the Islamic period, development of Jewish culture in the period of the Arab empire, the new wave of confrontation.
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Code: 002583-1
Evrei v Sovremennom Mire
Istoriia Evreev v Novoe i Noveishee Vremia: Antologiia Dokumentov: Tom I

[ Evrei v Sovremennom Mire : Istoriia Evreev v Novoe i Noveishee Vremia: Antologiia Dokumentov: Tom I ]
Moscow-Jerusalem: Gesharim, Mosty Kul`tury, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 43.50
A Collection of documents and materials on the Jew in the modern world: laws, current writings, excerpts from philosophical and literary works, etc. All materials are arranged topically: Forerunners of political and economic changes; Process of political emancipation in Western Europe: 1789-1871; Forming models of religious compromises: reformist, conservative, neo-orthodox, and ultra-orthodox Judaism; Judaic studies; Problem of Jewish self-identification and attempts of its redefinition.
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Code: 002721
Ideologiia Evreiskoi Natsional`noi Zhizni v Sovremennom Mire
Antologiia Sionistskoi Mysli

[ Ideologiia Evreiskoi Natsional`noi Zhizni v Sovremennom Mire : Antologiia Sionistskoi Mysli ]
Moscow, Jerusalem: Mosty Kul`tury, Gesharim, 2003
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This is an anthology of modern Jewish intellectuals from Israel and the USA seeking for strategies of Jewish national life in Israel and in other countries today and tomorrow. the contributors delineate the challenges that modern Zionism faces and are seeking for an adequate means to preserve the national character of the Jewish people in the epoch known for "globalization" and "The end of ideology".
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Code: 009879
Evrei v Rossiiskoi Imperii XVIII-XIX Vekov
Sbornik Trudov Evreiskikh Istorikov: Uchebnoe Posobie

[ Evrei v Rossiiskoi Imperii XVIII-XIX Vekov : Sbornik Trudov Evreiskikh Istorikov: Uchebnoe Posobie ]
Moscow-Jerusalem: Evreiskii Universitet, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 37.50
Published by the Jewish University in Moscow in cooperation with the Russian Jewry Heritage Center. This book is a reader in the history of the Jewish community in Russia. The compiler selected the most important and interesting papers of the leading Jewish historians, which are not easily accessible for contemporary readers.
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Code: 015915
Iazyki Narodov Rossii: Krasnaia Kniga
Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar`-Spravochnik

[ Iazyki Narodov Rossii: Krasnaia Kniga : Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar`-Spravochnik ]
Moscow: Academia, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This book is a result of zealous inventorying of 63 languages spoken on the territory of the Russian Federation that are on the verge of disappearing. The Russian linguists tried to make a systematic description of these languages.
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Code: 002583-2
Evrei v Sovremennom Mire
Istoriia Evreev v Novoe i Noveishee Vremia: Antologiia Dokumentov: Tom II

[ Evrei v Sovremennom Mire : Istoriia Evreev v Novoe i Noveishee Vremia: Antologiia Dokumentov: Tom II ]
Moscow-Jerusalem: Gesharim, Mosty Kul`tury, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
A Collection of documents and materials on the Jews in the modern world: laws, current writings, excerpts from philosophical and literary works, etc. All materials are arranged topically. The first volume covered: Forerunners of political and economic changes; Process of political emancipation in Western Europe: 1789-1871; Forming models of religious compromises: reformist, conservative, neo-orthodox, and ultra-orthodox Judaism; Judaic studies; Problem of Jewish self-identification and attempts of its redefinition.
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Code: 013518
Grinberg, Blu
Traditsionnyi Evreiskii Dom

[ Traditsionnyi Evreiskii Dom : ]
Moscow: Gesharim, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
Blu Grinberg is an American author and lecturer whose previous book was "On Women and Judaism". She is of "modern Orthodox" denomination. According to her, "modern Orthodox Jews can - and do - live squarely in two worlds: one of traditional Judaism, the other of modern Western society".
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Code: 013407
Evrei v Rossii: Istoriia i Kul`tura
Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov

[ Evrei v Rossii: Istoriia i Kul`tura : Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov ]
St. Petersburg: Peterburgskii Evreiskii Universitet, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
The authors from Russia and the former Soviet republics, from the US, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and Switzerland examine various problems of Jewish history in Russia, from political, legal and religious life to literature and theater.
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Code: 015362
Nashe Nasledstvo: Sinagogi SNG v Proshlom i Nastoiashchem

[ Nashe Nasledstvo: Sinagogi SNG v Proshlom i Nastoiashchem : ]
: Mosty Kul`tury-Gesharim, 2002
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 45.00
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Code: 009483-1
Material`naia Kul`tura Narodov Rossii

[ Material`naia Kul`tura Narodov Rossii : ]
Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This book is the first in the series "Culture of the Peoples of Russia". The series will include works on the cultures of more than 23 peoples and ethnic groups of Russia. This first volume includes the chapters: "Problems of Theory and History of Culture", "Ethnic Cultural History and Processes in material Culture", "Economy and Cultural Traditions in Everyday Life", "Traditions and innovations in Material Culture in XVII-XX centuries".
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Code: 022257-5
Tak Bylo, Ia Svidetel`...
Istoriia Repressii protiv Grekov 1920-1950 gg.: Vospominaniia

[ Tak Bylo, Ia Svidetel`... : The History of repressions against Greeks 1920-1950: Memoirs ]
: Aleteiia, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
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Code: 005937
Bugai, N.F., Kotsonis, A.N
Obiazat` NKVD SSSR... Vyselit` Grekov"
O Deportatsii Grekov v 1930-1950 Gody

[ "Obligate the NKVD of the USSR to uproot the Greeks" : On the deportation of the Greeks in 1930-1950s ]
Moscow: INSAN, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This book, written on an ample base of archive documents, describes for the first time the process of the deportation of Russian Greeks, inhabitants of the Black Sea coast of the Northern Caucasus, Georgia, and the Crimea in the 1930-50s.
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Code: 032199
Smagarinskii, Il`ia
Sekrety" Evreiskogo Obogashcheniia

[ "Secrets" of Jews getting rich : ]
Moscow-Jerusalem: Mosty kul`tury, Gesharim, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Il`ia Smagarinskii, professor of economics, emigre from Russia, explains moral and ethical problems of the business relations each of us has in everyday life. It includes not only doing business but also shopping, renting and many other transaction we do on a daily basis.
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Code: 030876
Semushin, Dmitrii
Pomorskii Vopros" i Russkaia Arktika: Sbornik Statei

[ "The Pomor Issue" and the Russian Arctic: Collected articles : ]
Moscow: Regnum, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This book deals with the new phenomenon in Russian political life - the Pomor movement in the Russian North which has its own political, territorial and materials claims. This case is an interesting example of protest movement under the flag of a newly found self-identity with historical justification.
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Code: 012072-00
Alpatov, Vladimir
150 Iazykov i Politika 1917-2000
Sotsiolingvisticheskie Problemy SSSR i Postsovetskogo Prostranstva

[ 150 Languages and politics : Socio-linguistic problems of the USSR and the post-soviet space ]
Moscow: Kraft + Institut Vostokovedeniia RAN, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Brief history of linguistic policy in the USSR and its successor states. The author breaks down soviet policies towards languages into distinctive periods and analyzes each of them, showing the linkage to social and political changes taking place at every particular moment.
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Code: 028490
1937 God: Rossiiskie Koreitsy
Primor`e - Tsentral`naia Aziia - Stalingrad: Deportatsiia: Materialy Nauchnoi Konferentsii "60 Let Deportatsii Koreitsev Rossii s Dal`nego Vostoka v Kazakhstan i Sredniuiu Aziiu" (Moskva, Avgust - Sentiabr` 1997 g.)

[ 1937: Russian Koreans : Primor`e - Central Asia - Stalingrad: Deportations ]
Moscow: Pervoe Marta, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This is materials of the conference on the fate of Russian Koreans in 1937 and the history of their deportation, their further role in the life of the Far East and Central Asia. (0.325 kg.)
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Code: 006819
Nizamiev, M.T
Polveka na Nive Kul`tury

[ A Half century in the field of culture : ]
Kazan`: Tatarskoe Knizhnoe Izdatel`stvo, 1998
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This book tells about the revival of cultural traditions in the Republic of Tatarstan, restoring the history of the Tatars, and educating through museums and other cultural institutions. The author was a vice-minister of culture in the republic for over 25 years.
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Code: 008756
Azarkh-Granovskaia, A.V
Besedy s V.D. Duvakinym

[ A.V. Azarkh-Granovskaia`s Memoirs Recorded by V.D. Duvakin : ]
Moscow, Jerusalem: Mosty Kul`tury, Gesharim, 2001
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This is a book by the historian of literature Viktor Duvakin (1909-1982) in the genre of interview-memoir. This time he interviews the actress, director, and pedagogue Aleksandra Azarkh-Granovskaia (1892-1980), the wife of the famous theater director A.
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Code: 007161
Bgazhnokov, B.Kh
Adygskaia Etika

[ Adyg ethics : ]
Nal`chik: El`-Fa, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 12.00
The Adyg are one of many ethnicities in the northwest Caucasus. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union many Caucasian nations began to legalize some elements of their traditional legal system, and to revitalize its religious and moral aspects.
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Code: 004345
Chervonnaia, S.M
Vse Nashi Bogi s Nami i za Nas
Etnicheskaia Identichnost` i Etnicheskaia Mobilizatsiia v Sovremennom Iskusstve Narodov Rossii

[ All our gods with us and for us : Ethnic identity and ethnic mobilization in the modern art of the peoples of Russia ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 1999
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
The author studies two sides of one phenomenon in modern Russian culture. First, how the values and symbols of ethnic identity express themselves in modern art. Second, the role of artists in forming and defining national identities and national movements in different republics and regions of Russia The monograph studies problems on the interchange between theoretical ethnology and art criticism.
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Code: 015284
Altaiskaia Filologiia

[ Altaian philology : ]
Gorno-Altaisk: Gorno-Altaiskii Gos. Universitet, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This is a collection of recent studies in the phonetics, morphology, and syntax of Altaian language, socio-linguistics, and folklore. The collection is published in honor of Nikolai Baskakov (1905-1996), the outstanding Russian turkologist, who authored over 600 publications on Turkic philology.
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Code: 006033
Antologiia Ivritskoi Literatury
Evreiskaia Literaura XIX-XX Vekov v Russkikh Perevodakh

[ Anthology of Hebrew literature : Jewish Literature of the 19th-20th centuries translated into Russian ]
Moscow: RGGU, 1999
Language: Russian and Hebrew
 Price: $ 33.00
This anthology is the result of a course on the history of modern Jewish literature written in Hebrew which professor Kh. Bar-Iosef read in the Russian State Humanities University at the department of Bible Studies and Judaism.
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Code: 015384
Antonovskoe Vosstanie

[ Antonov`s Rebellion : ]
: Russkii Put`, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
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