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С 1989 года Panorama of Russia специализируется на академической книге и публикациях из Российской Федерации и Союза Независимых Государств.


Всего записей: 85
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ]
Код: 011950
Генис, Александр
Вавилонская Башня
Iskusstvo Nastoiashchego Vremeni: Esse

[ Tower of Babel : Art of the Present: Essay ]
Москва: Независимая газета, 1997
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 16.00
This collection of essays, written in a unique genre of "lyrical culturology," represents an effort by the author to link the past and the present in a kind of philosophical and cultural continuum of philosophy, history, and art, giving a new perspective on history, as well as on today and tomorrow.
Код: 003853
Добродеев, Дмитрий
Возвращение в Союз

[ Returning to the Union ]
Москва: Новое Литературное Обозрение, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 25.00
A collection of essays and stories about modern Russia, its history and culture and about the last decade as a time of broken hope. 1995 Booker Nomenee
Код: 009892
Жолковский, А.К

[ Inventions ]
Москва: Гендалф, 1995
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 19.00
Aleksander Zholkovskii is a well known Russian literary critic and linguist (University of Southern California). This book consists of three chapters. The first is about prose from Dostoevskii and Chernyshevskii to Zoshchenko and Limonov.
Код: 016239B
Вайль, Петр
Карта Родины

[ A Map of the motherland ]
Москва: Колибри, 2008
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 31.00
This book by Petr Vail (1949-2009) is the result of his travels in Russia and the republics of the former USSR in search of the country where he was born, and which he left in 1977, and to see the new developments.
Код: 017465
Щербина, Татьяна
Лазурная Скрижаль

[ Sky-blue tablet ]
Москва: О.Г.И, 2003
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 18.00
This a collection of essays of the well known Russian poet Tat`iana Shcherbina is an self portrait of the post-soviet generation of intelligentsia which made a big step from its "allowed Fronde" through opening the European culture back to a better understanding of itself and the rest of the world.
Код: 023165
Бершин, Ефим
Маски Духа

[ Masks of the spirit ]
Нижний Новгород: ДЕКОМ, 2007
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 14.00
Collection of essays and criticism by the well known writer Efim Bershin.
Код: 007747
Жолковскии, А
Мемуарные Виньетки и Другие Нон-фиcтионс

[ Memoir vignettes and other non-fiction ]
Санкт Петербург: Звезда, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
This a book of essays by Professor Aleksandr Zholkovskii (b. 1937) of the University of California, a linguist, historian of literature, and writer. They were written in various periods of his life (1953-2000), and are not exactly memoirs, though most of his characters are real people, including his friends and colleagues.
Код: 023520
Носов, С
Музей Обстоятельств
Rasskazy, Ocherki, Esse

[ Museum of circumstances : Stories, articles, essays ]
Санкт Петербург: Изд-во К. Тублина, 2008
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 18.00
Sergei Nosov (b. 1957) is the author of several critically acclaimed novels and plays. This book is a collection of his stories, articles, and essays.
Код: 008367
Золотусский, И
На Лестнице у Раскольникова
Esse Poslednikh Let

[ On Raskol`nikov`s stairs : Recent Essays ]
Москва: Фортуна Лимитед, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 24.00
This collection by the well known literary historian and critic Igor Zolotusskii, the Solzhenitsyn award winner for 2005, commemorates his 70th birthday. It includes 36 of his essays about Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries and their works.
Код: 023261
Рыбаков, В
Esseistika, Pis`ma, Interv`iu

[ Simpliciter : Essays, letters, interviews ]
С. Петербург; Москва: Лимбус Пресс, Издательство К. Тублина, 2008
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 19.00
This is a collection of essays, letters, and interviews of Russian fantasy writer (series by pseudonim Kholm van Zaichik), scriptwriter and Orientalist, Viacheslav Rybakov.
Код: 006042
Сохряков, Ю.И
Национальная Идея в Отечественнои Публицистике XИX - Начала XX Века

[ The National idea in domestic current writing of the 19th-beginning of the 20th centuries ]
Москва: Наследие, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
In search for its new self identity, the Russian nation is looking backward to the legacy of the thinkers of the 19th century. This book studies variations in interpretation of the Russian national idea in the works of N.
Код: 025589
Ратькина, Т.Е
Никому не задолжав...
Literaturnaia Kritika i Esseistika A.D. Siniavskogo

[ Not owing anybody… : Literary critics and essays of A.D. Siniavskii ]
Москва: Совпадение, 2010
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 23.00
This is the first attempt to analyze the corpus of criticism and essays by Russian writer, critic and philosopher Andrei Siniavskii (1925-1997). This book is based on Tat`iana Rat`kina`s (b. 1984) doctoral thesis.
Код: 024668
Герасимов, И.В
Нулевые. Степень. Письма

[ 2000s. Degree. Letters ]
Москва: Новое издательство, 2009
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 23.00
This book comprises essays written by the famous Russian historian Ilya Gerasimov in 1999-2009 for the Russian-American historical journal Ab Imperio. It focuses on the crisis of the Westernist paradigm (democracy) on the eve of the 21st century in Russia and a possible new "western paradigm" for the current century.
Код: 016065
Эпштейн, М.Н
Отцовство: Метафизический дневник

[ Fatherhood: Metaphysical diary ]
С. Петербург: Алетеия, 2003
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 19.50
Mikhail Epshtein, the author of several books about Russian culture, presents himself in this book in a new light as a loving father. The dairy was composed in 1979-1980 in Moscow. The mystery of the relationship between father and daughter before and after her birth forms the intriguing plot of the metaphysical diary.
Код: 020514
Штейнер, Е
Письма из Пространства

[ Letters from a space ]
Москва: Новое Литературное Обозрение, 2006
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
This book consists of epistles and soliloquies written in various places of the world and in various genres: from travel notes to philosophical essays. This collection of letters, many of them unsent and even unaddressed is a document of a life-long journey around the world.
Код: 003773
Бродский, Иосиф
Письмо Горацию

[ Letter to Horace ]
Москва: Наш Дом-L`age d`Homme, 1998
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 18.00
This book is a collection of essays by the Nobel prize winner Josef Brodsky about poetry and poets. It represents Brodsky`s list of recommended reading, or his personal choice in poetry. The list is very broad, covering practically all times and countries.
Код: 012025
Паз, Оcтавио
Поезия. Критика. Эротика

[ Poetry. Criticism. Erotica ]
Москва: Русское Феноменологическое Общество, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 22.00
This book contains selected essays by the great Mexican poet, the Noble Prize winner Octavio Paz (born 1914). The essays were written in the 1940s - early 1970s. They discuss, among other topics: the Spanish conquest of America and the reasons for the Aztecs’ easy surrender; “The Divine Comedy” by Dante and “Don Quixote” by Cervantes as expressions of, respectively, medieval and new world outlooks; the attitude to death of Latin Americans, on the one hand, and of Europeans and North Americans, on the other; the modern politicization of Eros, etc.
Код: 006353
Рабинович, Е
Риторика Повседневности: Филологические Очерки

[ The Rhetoric of the everyday life: philological essays ]
Санкт Петербург: Изд-во Ивана Лимбаха, 2000
Язык: Russian
 Цена: $ 21.00
This book by Elena Rabinovich, a Russian classicist and translator, is about the stylistics of oral speech and particularly about the origins of modern jargon. She studies the sociology and poetics of jargon, linguistic conversion in the socialist period and its specific examples.
Код: 023350
Кантор, В

[ Neighbors : Arabesques ]
Москва: Время, 2007
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 43.00
This new book of Vladimir Kantor belongs to the genre of arabesque which unites philosophical and artistic thoughts. Many of them are inspired by books of other authors, Russian and foreign, old and contemporary.
Код: 007717B
Вяземский, П.А
Старая Записная Книжка

[ The Old note book: 1813-1877 ]
Москва: Захаров, 2005
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 39.00
Prince Petr Andreevich Viazemskii (1792-1878), an officer and a statesman, was also a poet, literary critic, and author of memoirs. He was called "A Decembrist without December" because he shared most of their views.
Код: 018352
Гефтер, М.Я
Там, Где Сознанию Узко и Больно…

[ There, where consciousness is tight and painful... ]
Москва: КДУ, УTOРОС, 2004
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 22.00
Mikhail Gefter (1918-1994), is a historian specializing in the economic history of Russian capitalism, the author of over 100 publications, one of the organizers and editors of the series World History, the head of the department of methodology of history of the Institute of History which was closed for ideological heresy by the Central Committee of the CPSU.
Код: 011411
Парамонов, Борис
Три Эссе

[ Three essays ]
Санкт Петербург: Слово-Word, 1996
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 15.00
Boris Paramonov (b. 1939), a Russian-born journalist and literary critic, always has a fresh, paradoxical, and nontraditional, sometimes shocking way of interpreting the Russian classics. The book includes three essays : Portret Evreia (about Il`ia Erenburg), Chernaia Doved` ( Pasternak Protiv Romantizma).
Код: 006397
Гроссман, Л.П
Цех Пера: Эссеистика

[ Guild of writers: Essays ]
Москва: Аграф, 2000
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 25.00
The 1920s were a very fruitful time for the historian of Russian literature Leonid Grossman. He published three collections of his literary criticism and essays: From Pushkin to Blok: Etudes and portraits; Struggle for style: Essays on critics and poetics; Guild of writers.
Код: 023715
Генис, Александр
Шесть Пальцев

[ Six fingers ]
Москва: КоЛибри, 2009
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 27.00
This book is a collection of essays from seven books by Aleksandr Genis (b. 1953): Trikotazh, Temnota i Tishina, Peizazhi, Istoriia Moikh Narodov, Nekrologi, and Zapovedi.
Код: 011862
Дружников, Юрий
Я Родился в Очереди

[ I was born in line ]
Tenafly (NJ): Hermitage, 1995
Язык: Русский
 Цена: $ 24.00
This book contains polemical essays at the intersection of history, literature and culture in Russia. "A Line is the substance and the only way of experience for a Russian from the day of his birth till death", says the author in this book.
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