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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Muslim Peoples of Russia

Total records: 79
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ]
Code: 026703
Khalik, Adib
Islam posle Kommunizma
Religiia i Politika v Tsentral`noi Azii

[ Islam posle Kommunizma : Religiia i Politika v Tsentral`noi Azii ]
Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
Adeeb Khalid combines insights from the study of both Islam and Soviet history in this sophisticated analysis of the ways that Muslim societies in Central Asia have been transformed by the Soviet presence in the region.
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Code: 002093
Nauchno-Publitsisticheskii Al`manakh

[ Turkmeny : Nauchno-Publitsisticheskii Al`manakh ]
Moscow: Turkmen Azat, 1995
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 54.00
This scientific and public review aims to publish information which is forbidden by Turkmen censors. Issue 1 (January-February, 1995) and 2 (March-June, 1995) are available. Contents in English.
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Code: 030810
Navruzov, A.R
Dzharidat Dagistan" - Araboiazychnaia Gazeta Kavkazskikh Dzhadidov

[ "Jaridat Dagistan": Arabic-speaking newspaper of the Caucasus Jadids : ]
Moscow: Mardzhani, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
This monograph provides readers with a detailed description of the unique periodical published in Arabic in the Dagestan town of Temir-Khna-Shura in 1913-1919. Jaridat Daghistan as a unique cultural monument and a valuable source on the history of Muslim “enlightenment” in Dagestan and the North Caucasus at the beginning of the 20th century.
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Code: 030811
ad-Durgeli, Nazir
Uslada Umov v Biografiiakh Dagestanskikh Uchenykh
Dagestanskie Uchenye X-XX vv. i Ikh Sochineniia

[ A Journey of the minds through the biographies of the Islamic scholars of Daghestan : Dagestani scholars of the 10th-20th centuries and their works ]
Moscow: Mardzhani, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This book consists of seven works. One of them is a Russian translation of the Arabic-language work by Nazir of Durgeli (1891-1935), a Muslim scientist, on the history of the development of Islam in Dagestan at the end of the 1920s - the beginning of the 1930s.
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Code: 024177
Aleksandr Nikolaevich Samoilovich
Nauchnaia Perepiska, Biografiia

[ Aleksandr Nikolaevich Samoilovich : Scholarly correspondence, biography ]
Moscow: Vostochnaia Literatura, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This book includes a scholarly biography of Russian turkologist Aleksandr Samoilovich (1880-1938), repressed in 1938, and his correspondence with his colleagues V.V. Bartol`d, I. Iu. Krachkovskii, P.M.
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Code: 003419
Soiunova, A
Rozhdenie i Vospitanie Detei u Turkmen-Gorozhan

[ Birth and upbringing of children in families of Turkmen-city dwellers : ]
Ashgabat: Ylym, 1993
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 22.00
This book deals with the complex of traditions and rituals of giving birth and raising children in Turkmenistan towns and cities. The author compares these traditions with analogous ones of the neighboring people in Central Asia, and draws conclusions about mutual and specific features of the cultural family traditions of the Turkmen.
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Code: 001809
Arslanova, Alsu
Ostalis` Knigi ot Vremen Bylykh
Persidskie Istoricheskie Sochineniia Mongol`skogo Perioda po Istorii Narodov Povolzh`ia

[ Books remained from times past : Persian historical works of the Mongolian period in the history of the Volga region ]
Kazan`: Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This monograph studies the Mongolian period and the Golden Horde as they are presented in works of Persian historians of the 18th-20th centuries and Persian chronicles. The author reviews and analyzes works and materials in English, French, German, and Persian.
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Code: 011113
Kurtiev, Refat
Kalendarnye Obriady Krymskikh Tatar

[ Calendar rituals of the Crimean Tatars : ]
Simferopol`: Krymuchpedgiz, 1996
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This brochure is a study of the old calendar rituals of the Crimean Tatars: songs (with scores), proverbs and sayings. Includes bibliography.
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Code: 025893-01
Caucasica: Trudy Instituta Politicheskikh i Sotsial`nykh Issledovanii Chernomorsko-Kaspiiskogo Regiona
Tom 1

[ Caucasica: Transactions of the Institute of Political and Social Research of the Black Sea-Caucasus Region : Volume 1 ]
Moscow: IPSIChKR, Russkaia Panorama, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This is the first volume of the Transactions of the Institute of Political and Social Research of the Black Sea-Caucasus Region founded in 2010. The articles and materials are arranged into the following rubrics: History; Ethnology and history of culture; Social and political processes; Philology and history of literature; Economic policy; Criticism and bibliography.
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Code: 023688-01
Tsentral`naia Aziia
Traditsiia v Usloviiakh Peremen: Vyp. 1

[ Central Asia : Traditions in conditions of change: Volume 1 ]
St. Petersburg: Nauka, Muzei Antropologii i Etnografii, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This collection studies changes that happened in traditional culture of Muslim Eurasia under the influence of the political and economic changes on the last two decades. The articles included in this collection analyze shifts in cultural stereotypes among Kazakhs, Kirghiz, Karakolpaks, Tajiks, Turkmen, Uzbeks and other peoples of Central Asia.
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Code: 006239
Sultanov, T.I. (Tursun Ikramovich)
Chingiskhan i Chingizidy
Sud`ba i Vlast`

[ Chingis Khan and Chingisids : Fate and power ]
Moscow: AST, 2006
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
The Mongolian Chingis (Genghis) Khan (1162-1227) conqueror of China and most of the Muslim world, is known as the creator of a huge empire with a new effective government, which had a special influence on the early Russian state.
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Code: 027236
Sibgatullina, A.T
Kontakty Tiurok-Musul`man Rossiiskoi i Osmanskoi Imperii na Rubezhe XIX-XX vv.

[ Contacts of the Turks and Muslims of the Russian and Ottoman Empires at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries : ]
Moscow: Institut vostokovedeniia RAN, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.00
This book describes the contacts between Muslim Turks of the Russian and Ottoman Empires at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Part one studies the Muslim hadj from Russia to Khidzhaz, its directions, quarantines, epidemies and other problems related to visiting the Ottoman empire.
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Code: 023192
Chervonnaia, S.M
Sovremennoe Islamskoe Iskusstvo Narodov Rossii

[ Contemporary Islamic art of the peoples of Russia : ]
Moscow: Progress-Traditsiia, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
This book is the first complex study of Islamic art which is growing in the Muslim regions of Russia today. The author presents her own theoretical conception defining the peculiarities of modern Islamic art of the peoples of Russia in the context of the current Russian culture.
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Code: 018464
Mul`tatuli, P.V.
Imperator Nikolai II i Musul`mane

[ Emperor Nicolaes II and Muslims : ]
Moscow: RISI, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 8.00
This book studies the relations between the Russian imperial administration and its Muslim subjects. (0.075 kg.)
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Code: 010508-149
Silant`ev, R.A
Etnicheskii Aspekt Raskola Islamskogo Soobshchestva Rossii

[ Ethnic element of the split in the Islamic community in Russia : ]
Moscow: Institut Etnologii i Antropologii, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 11.00
The revival of Islam in Russia has been accompanied by some negative phenomena, among which the most grave sequences manifested as multiple Moslem conflicts. The conflicts provoked the formation of dozens rival Moslem spiritual boards.
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Code: 029055
Albogachieva, M.S.-G
Etnografiia i Istoriia Ingushskogo Naroda v Pis`mennykh Istochnikakh Kontsa XVIII - Pervoi Treti XX v.

[ Ethnography and history of the Ingush people in written sources of the end of 18th - the first third of the 20th centuries : ]
St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This monograph is a first compendium of the entire historico-ethnographic materials both published and unpublished on the Ingush people and the republic of Ingushetia from sources of 18th-early 20th centuries, and local and national archives.
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Code: 001258
Etnografiia Tatarskogo Naroda

[ Ethography of the Tatar people : ]
Kazan`: Magarif, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
This is the first teaching aid on the ethnography of the Tatars, their material and spiritual culture, family life, social relations and traditions. Also included is a short terminological dictionary.
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Code: 020401
Iz Glubiny Stoletii

[ From the depths of centuries : ]
Kazan`: Tatarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 2004
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 34.00
This is a collection of ancient and medieval stories and documents on the ethno-political history of Turks-Tatars from the beginning to the middle 16th century. The original sources are translated into modern Russian and provided with comments to make them available to non-specialists.
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Code: 020401A
Iz Glubiny Stoletii

[ From the depths of centuries : ]
Kazan‘: Tatarskoe knizhnoe iz-vo, 2000
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This book is a collection of ancient and medieval original sources on the history of Turk-Tatars from the beginnings up to the 16th Century. The sources are presented in easy to understand form and provided with comments for a wide audience.
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Code: 030604
Makarov, D.V
Dorogami Islama Tsentral`noi Rossii

[ Going Down the Roads of Islam in Central Russia : ]
Moscow: Mardzhani, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 27.00
This book deals with a rare and little studied subject - the history of Islam in the central part of Russia: Belgorod, Ivanovo, Kauaga, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh and other oblasts of the region. The author has traveled through most of the regions described in this book, studying the past and present state of local Muslim communities: quantity, dynamic, social and religious life.
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Code: 029457
Istoriia Arabo-Musul`manskoi Filosofii: Antologiia

[ History of Arab-Muslim philosophy: Anthology : ]
Moscow: Akademicheskii proekt, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
This book is a reader for the course of the history of Arab-Muslim philosophy. For the first time in Russian literature the book present the main authors on the subject from its birth to the present.
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Code: 029551
Blagova, G.F
Istoriia Tiurkologii v Rossii (Vtoraia Polovina XIX - Nachalo XX v.)

[ History of Turkic language studies in Russia (second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries). Parts 1-2 : ]
Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This book tells about the development of Turkic language studies in pre-revolutionary Russia and historical conditions of its formation, the history of the school of Turkic studies in Russia, of the transition from studies of written sources to studies of folk Turkic language.
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Code: 031074

[ Ingush : ]
St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
Special price: $ 25.00
This collected work studies the Ingush people: their ethnic history, agricultural and industrial cultures, architectural and housing traditions, traditional food and clothing, marriage and the family, urban and village social traditions, holidays, rituals, folk and professional arts, etc.
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Code: 026705-01
Ishrak: Ezhegodnik Islamskoi Filosofii. No 1

[ Ishrak (Illumination): Islamic philosophy yearbook: No. 1 : ]
Moscow: Iazyki slavianskikh kul`tur, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 38.00
This is the first volume of the yearbook by Russian and foreign specialists in Russian and English languages on burning issues of Islamic philosophical thought. Contents and summaries in English.
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Code: 026705-02
Ishrak: Ezhegodnik Islamskoi Filosofii. No 2

[ Ishrak (Illumination): Islamic philosophy yearbook: No. 2 : ]
Moscow: Iazyki slavianskikh kul`tur, 2011
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 54.00
This is the second volume of the yearbook by Russian and foreign specialists on burning issues of Islamic philosophical thought. It includes more than 30 articles in Russian, English, and French. Contents and summaries in English.
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Code: 026705-03
Ishrak: Ezhegodnik Islamskoi Filosofii. No 3

[ Ishrak (Illumination): Islamic philosophy yearbook: No. 3 : ]
Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura,, 2012
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 46.00
This is the third volume of the yearbook by Russian and foreign specialists on burning issues of Islamic philosophical thought. It includes more than 40 articles in Russian, English, and French. Contents and summaries in English.
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Code: 026705-05
Ishrak: Ezhegodnik Islamskoi Filosofii. No 5

[ Ishraq (Illumination): Islamic philosophy yearbook: No. 5 : ]
Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 2014
Language: Russian and English
 Price: $ 43.00
This is the fifth volume of the yearbook by Russian and foreign specialists on burning issues of Islamic philosophical thought. It includes more than 30 articles in Russian, English, and French. Contents and summaries in English.
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Code: 026890
Gavrilov, Iu.A., Shevchenko, A.G
Islam i Pravoslavno-Musul`manskie Otnosheniia v Rossii v Zerkale Istorii i Sotsiologii

[ Islam and Orthodox-Muslim relations in Russia in the mirror of history and sociology : ]
Moscow: Kul`turnaia revoliutsiia, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 23.00
The book presents a thorough analysis of the civilizational and cultural-religious phenomenon of "Russian Islam". The authors not only consider the relationships between the Russian government and Russian Islamic community from the 15th century till the present, but also give a detailed statistical picture of the ethnic and religious structure of the modern Russian Muslim population.
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Code: 024896-3
Islam v Sankt-Peterburge
Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar`

[ Islam in St. Petersburg : Encyclopedic dictionary ]
: Medina, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 45.00
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Code: 005065
Bashirov, L.A
Islam v Kontekste Ethnopoliticheskikh Protsessov v Sovremennoi Rossii

[ Islam in the context of ethnopolitical processes in modern Russia : ]
Moscow: RAGS, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Russia has about forty ethnic groups which are believers in Islam. Many modern concepts related to modern Islam have no a common definition or interpretation. Among them are: Islamist fundamentalism, Wahhabism, Islamism, political Islam, radical Islam, etc.
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