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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

World War I

Total records: 63
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ]
Code: 021981
Nauka, Tekhnika i Obshchestvo Rossii i Germanii vo Vremia Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny

[ Nauka, Tekhnika i Obshchestvo Rossii i Germanii vo Vremia Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny : ]
St. Petersburg: Nestor Istoriia, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 41.00
The monograph provides a historical comparative analysis of relations between science, technology and society in Germany and Russia during WWI. Different aspects of the influence of the war on the organization of science, its interaction with military industry, the correlation of fundamental and applied studies, the system of international contacts, norms and values of the scientific community are examined in articles of Russian and German authors.
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Code: 028078
Pavlov, A.Iu
Russkaia Odisseia" Epokhi Pervoi Mirovoi
Russkie Ekspeditsionnye Sily vo Frantsii i na Balkanakh

[ "The Russian Odyssey" in the era of World War I : Russian expeditionary forces in France and in the Balkans ]
Moscow: Veche, RKhGA, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
This book is a history of Russian expeditionary forces in Macedonia and France during the First World War from the decision on departure to the return of soldiers to revolutionary Russia. It describes the tragic events of the involvement of the Russian legion in the French Army Mutinies of 1917 and other actions of this expedition.
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Code: 027658
Permikin, B.S
General, Rozhdennyi Voinoi: Iz Zapisok 1912-1959

[ A General born of war: From the notes of 1912-1959 : ]
Moscow: Posev, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 30.00
The book comprises diary notes of Boris Permikin (1890-1971), General of the North-Western Army of the White Movement. He participated in the Iudenich march to the city of Petrograd, fought WWII in Vlasov`s army (1944-45) and spent the rest of his life in emigration.
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Code: 031408
Vishniakov, Ia.; Timofeev, A.; Miloroadovich. G
Armiia bez Gosudarstva
Ot Serbskogo k Iugoslavianskomu Dobrovol`cheskomu Korpusu v Rossii vo Vremia Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny: Sbornik Dokladov

[ An army without a state : From Serbian to Yugoslavian volunteer corps in Russia during WWI: Collected reports ]
Moscow: RISI, 2014
Language: Russian and Serbian
 Price: $ 29.00
An army of volunteers of people of Serbian and Yugoslavian descent was created in Russia during WWI. These corps turned into the new Yugoslavian army before even the state of this name was formed. This book by three Russian historians is about the history of the corps and the problems it created for imperial Russia.
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Code: 032120
Uspenskii, A.A. (Aleksandr Aref`evich)
Na Voine. V Plenu: Vospominaniia

[ At war. In captivity: Memoirs : ]
St. Petersburg: Limbus Press, Izd-vo K. Tublina, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
A.A. Uspenskii started as the commander of a regiment. For one of the battles where his regiment distinguished itself, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel but the order did not reach him because by that time he was already in captivity.
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Code: 024641
Do i Posle Versalia
Politicheskie Lidery i Ideia Natsional`nogo Gosudarstva v Tsentral`noi i Iugo-Vostochnoi Evrope

[ Before and after Versailles : Political leaders ]
Moscow: Indrik, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 31.00
The book provides 18 biographical portraits of the national leaders of Central and South-Eastern Europe before and after WWI. It describes international relations at the beginning of the 20th century and the role of World War I in the development of several countries: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine, and Yugoslavia.
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Code: 001667
Za Balkanskimi Frontami Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny

[ Behind the Balkan frontiers of World War I : ]
Moscow: Indrik, Institut Slavianovedeniia, 2002
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.50
This collected monograph concludes the series of studies on international relations in the Balkan Peninsula from the middle 18th century up to World War I, published by the Institut of Slavic Studies (Moscow).
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Code: 030982
Nelipovich, S.G.
Krovavyi Oktiabr` 1914 Goda: Monografiia

[ Bloody October of 1914: Monograph : ]
Moscow: Minuvshee, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 59.00
This monograph studies the events at the Russian-German front of WWI in October 1914 which are a little unknown. The author focuses his attention at the battle of the Galician group of the Russian army led by A.
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Code: 026207
Luneva, Iu.V
Bosfor i Dardanelly
Tainye Provokatsii Nakanune Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny: 1908-1914

[ Bosporus and Dardanelles : Secret provocations on the eve of WWI: 1908-1914 ]
Moscow: Kvadriga, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
What was the role of Bosporus and Dardanelles in the Russian foreign policy and who pushed the Russian government to enter into the war? This monograph studies the issue of Bosporus and Dardanelles straits in English-Russian 1907 agreement, the Bosnian crisis, Italian-Turkish war, Balkan wars, the mission of Lyman von Sanders at Constantinopol in the course of preparation for WWI.
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Code: 029904
Klich "Den` Pechati"
Sbornik na Pomoshch` Zhertvam Voiny, Moskva 1915 g.

[ Call for "Day of publication" : Collection for aid of victims of the war, Moscow 1915 ]
Moscow: Russkii impuls, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
This is a reprint of the almanac published by famous Russian writers, musicians, painters and other writers as a call of the Russian intelligentsia to the rest of the society to help victims of WW1. The compilers initiated the collection list in favor of the families affected by the war.
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Code: 014288
Karpeev, V.I
Konnitsa: Divizii, Brigady, Korpusa: Soedineniia Russkoi Armii

[ Cavalry: divisions, brigades, corps: Formations of the Russian army. 1810 – 1917 : ]
Moscow: Reitar, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This book provides information on divisions, brigades and corps of cavalry of the Russian army. It focuses on the changes in the structure of these formations from October 1810 to December 1917. It also includes new data on cavalry artillery divisions and their commanding officers during WW1.
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Code: 025042
Otechestvennaia Istoriia Noveishego Vremeni
1985-2008: Uchebnik

[ Contemporary history of Russia : 1985-2008: Textbook ]
Moscow: RGGU, 2009
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 36.00
A textbook in the contemporary history of Russia based on the course at the Russian State Humanities University for students with major in history and political science. List of recommended reading. Bioghraphical sketches of the state and political leaders.
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Code: 008572
Vozvyshenie Stalina: Oborona Tsaritsyna

[ Elevation of Stalin: The Defense of Tsaritsyn : ]
Moscow: Veche, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
The White army attacked one of the strategic centers, the town of Tsaritsyn in 1921. The days long stand ended in the victory of the Bolshevik army led by Joseph Stalin. This battle became the turning point in the Stalin`s career, it became what Toulon was for Bonaparte.
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Code: 031534
Golovin, N.N
Iz Istorii Kampanii 1914 Goda na Russkom Fronte: 5 Tomakh v 3 Kn
Kn.1: T.1: Plan Voiny; t.2: Nachalo Voiny i Operatsiia v Vostochnoi Prussii. Kn.2: T.3: Galitsiiskaia Bitva: Pervyi Period (Do 1 Sentiabria n. st.); T.4: Dni Pereloma Galitsiiskoi Bitvy (1-3 Sentiabria n. st.). Kn.3: Kartograficheskoe Prilozhenie

[ From the history of the military campaigns of 1914 on the Russian Front: 5 volumes in 3 books : Kn.1: T.1: Plan Voiny; t.2: Nachalo Voiny i Operatsiia v Vostochnoi Prussii. Kn.2: T.3: Galitsiiskaia Bitva: Pervyi Period (Do 1 Sentiabria n. st.); T.4: Dni Pereloma Galitsiiskoi Bitvy (1-3 Sentiabria n. st.). Kn.3: Kartograficheskoe Prilozhenie ]
Moscow: Airis-press, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 99.00
This book by the great Russian military theoretician and analyst N.N. Golovin is about the history of the 1914 military campaigns on the Russian front during WWI. Most of the book is taken by analysis of the battle for Galicia, one of the largest engagements of World War I (1914-18), fought between the Russian and Austro-Hungarian armies in Galicia and Poland from August 5 (18) to September 8 (21).
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Code: 031700
General V.A. Sukhomlinov: Dnevniki. Pis`ma. Dokumenty
Sbornik Dokumentov

[ General V.A. Sukhomlinov: Diaries. Letters. Documents : Collected documents ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 35.00
This is a collection of diaries and letters of general Sukhomlinov, the Minister of War of the Russian Empire. He was ousted in 1915. Also included are documents related to the investigation and his trial (1915-1917).
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Code: 029339
Bondarenko, V.V
Geroi Pervoi Mirovoi

[ Heroes of World War I : ]
Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 33.00
This book is about Russian heroes of WWI: officers Mikhail Alekseev, Aleksei Brusilov, Nikolaiu Iudenich, Lavr Kornilov, Koz`ma Kriuchkov, Oleg Romanov, etc. (0.535 kg.)
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Code: 032145-14
Istorik-Marksist: Al`manakh. 2014

[ Historian-Marxist. Almanach 2014 : ]
Moscow: In-t globalizatsii i sotsial`nykh dvizhenii - Fond Rozy Liuksemburg, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This is a collection of materials presented at the conference On the 100th Anniversary of WW1: Lessons of the History. (0.135 kg.)
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Code: 001907
Pokrovskii, M.N
Imperialistskaia voina. 1915-1930

[ Imperialistic war: 1915-1930 : ]
Moscow: URSS, LIBROKOM, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 26.00
This is a collection of articles of various years on WWI by the outstanding historian M.N. Pokrovskii (1868-1932). Basing his research on archival documents, the author describes the diplomatic preparation for the war, its economic prerequisites, and its diplomatic history.
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Code: 024186
Savinkov, Boris
Vo Frantsii vo Vremia Voiny. Sentiabr` 1914 — Iiun` 1915. V 2 Chastiakh

[ In France in time of war. September of 1914 – June of 1915. In 2 parts : ]
Moscow: Reproniks, Gos. Publichnaia Istoricheskaia Bib-ka, 2008
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This publication is a collection of war correspondence of the Russian front-line military journalist Boris Savinkov (1879-1925) on the Western front in WWI. This soldier later became the best known Russian terrorist, leader of the Militant Wing of the Socialist Revolutionaries (EsEr).
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Code: 031825
V Nemetskom Plenu
Rasskazy Kareeva, Stanislavskogo, Dzhivelegova, Gol`dsheina, Speranskogo, Mazinga, Sverbeeva

[ In German captivity : The stories of Kareev, Stanislavskii, Dzhivelogov, Gol`dshtein, Speranskii, Mazing, Sverbeev ]
Moscow: GPIB, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
This is a reprint of the book first published in 1915. It includes stories of the Russian civilians who found themselves in Germany at the beginning of WWI. Among the contributors to this book are well known people: actor K.
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Code: 030077
Snesarev, A.E
Pis`ma s Fronta: 1914-1917

[ Letter from the front: 1914-1917 : ]
Moscow: Kuchkovo pole, 2012
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 39.00
This is the first publication of letters from the war front by an outstanding Russian military philosopher, geopolitician, geographer and hero of WWI, Andrei Evgen`evich Snesarev (1865-1937). These letters present a wide panorama of the historical drama of the Russian army and people.
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Code: 020084
Fosh, Ferdinand (Foch, Ferdinand)
Ferdinand Fosh. Vospominaniia: Voina 1914-1918 gg.

[ Memoirs: The War of 1914-1918 : ]
St. Petersburg: St. Peterburgskii Universitet, 2005
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 28.60
Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929), a notable French officer and military historian, the chief of the Academy of the General Staff, one of the organizers of the intervention in Russia, ended WW1 as the commander-in-chief of the Entente military forces.
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Code: 027374
Giatsintov, Erast
Zapiski Belogo Ofitsera

[ Notes of a White Army officer : ]
Moscow: Minuvshee, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
The book is the second edition of the memoirs of Erast Giatsintov (1894-1975), a native Petersburger, officer, awarded six combat medals, who ended his life in exile. The book contains unique factual material about life in St.
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Code: 031032
Ustinov, S.M
Zapiski Nachal`nika Kontrrazvedki: 1915-1920

[ Notes of the head of counterintellegence: 1915-1920 : ]
Moscow: Forum, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This book first published in Berlin in 1923 is still of great interest. The memoirs cover the period of WWI and the Civil war in Russia
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Code: 021315
Driagina, I.V
Zapiski Letchitsy U-2
Zhenshchiny-aviatory v Gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi Voiny. 1942-1945

[ Notes of woman-pilot U-2 : Women aviators in the years of the Great Patriotic War. 1942-1945 ]
Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2007
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 15.00
This is the first edition of this book free of censorial cuts. Irina Driagina, a woman aviator and the commissar of the Taman women’s air division, wrote about her own military experience, her women-friends and their uneasy life at the frontier.
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Code: 031400
Nakanune Velikoi Voiny
Rossiia i Mir: Sbornik Dokladov i Statei

[ On the eve of the Great War : Russia and the world: Collected reports and articles ]
Moscow: RISI, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 32.00
This book is a collection of papers and articles which reconsider the common version of the First World War which the Russians have started to call the Great War, and offer a new, "objective" approach to the events of this war.
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Code: 030153
Korganov, G.G
Uchastie Armian v Mirovoi Voine na Kavkazskom Fronte (1914-1918), s 19-iu Skhemami

[ Participation of the Armenians in the First World War on the Caucasus Front (1914-1918) with 19 schemes : ]
Moscow: MAKS Press, 2011
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
This book is about the participation of the Armenian volunteer units in the First World War on the Caucasus Front in 1914-1918, and describes the stages of the formation and reorganization of the corps which resulted in the creation of the Armenian National Army.
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Code: 029898
Antonov, Boris I
Peterburg - 1914 - Petrograd
Khronologicheskaia Mozaika Stolichnoi Zhizni

[ Peterburg - 1914 - Petrograd : Chronological mosaic of metropolitan life ]
Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Life in the Russian capital in 1914 was divided into two halves: before and after the beginning of WWI. The authored describes life in the city based on historical and personal documents, press and memoirs.
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Code: 026120
Vlasov, L.V
"Vsadniki-Drugi, v Pokhod Sobiraites!"

[ Riders-friends, prepare for a march!" : ]
St. Petersburg: Evropeiskii Dom, 2010
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 42.00
This book, the tenth in the series Finland in Russia", examines the warfare of sub-units under the command of General Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim (1867-1951) on the south-west front in 1914-1917. Describing these actions Russian historians never mention the name of this outstanding person, purposely misrepresenting events, if he was involved.
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Code: 009929
Kornienko, B.S
Pravyi Don: Kazaki i Ideologiia Natsionalizma (1909-1914)

[ Right wing of the Don: The Cossacks and the ideology of nationalism (1909-1914) : ]
St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Evropeiskogo Un-ta v Sankt-Peterburge, 2013
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 19.00
By the beginning of the 20th century social stratification and self-organization of the Don Cossacks came into contradiction with the modernization process in Russia. One of the results of this contradiction was a crisis of their ethnic, social and professional identity.
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