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Since 1989 Panorama of Russia has specialized in academic and reference publications from the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

 Price: $ 29.00
Code: 032021
Vasil`ev, D.V
Rossiia i Kazakhskaia Step`
Administrativnaia Politika i Status Okrainy: XVIII - Pervaia Chetvert` XIX veka.
[ Russia and the Kazakh steppe : Administrative policy and the status of the province: 18th to first quarter 19th centuries ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 47.00
Special price: $ 42.30
Code: 002777
Gacheva, A.G
Nam ne Dano Predugadat`, Kak Slovo Nashe Otzovetsia…"
Dostoevskii i Tiutchev
[ "We are not to predict what affect our word will have…" : Dostoevsky i Tiutchev ]
Moscow: IMLI, 2004
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 17.00
Code: 032174
Malinova, O.Iu
Aktual`noe Proshloe
Simvolicheskaia Politika Vlastvuiushchei Elity i Dilemmy Rossiiskoi Identichnosti
[ Actual past: Symbolic policy of the ruling elite and the dilemmas of Russian identity : Simvolicheskaia Politika Vlastvuiushchei Elity i Dilemmy Rossiiskoi Identichnosti ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 29.00
Special price: $ 26.10
Code: 001801
Politbiuro TsK RKP(b) - VKP(b) i Evropa
Resheniia "Osoboi Papki": 1923-1939
[ The Politbureau of the Central Committee of RCP(b)- ARCP(b) and Europe : Resolutions from the "Special Folder": 1923-1939 ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 19.00
Code: 031097
Novozavetnye Issledovaniia
Problemy i Perspektivy: Sbornik Materialov
[ New Testament research : Issues and perspectives: Collected materials ]
Moscow: RGGU, c
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 14.00
Special price: $ 9.00
Code: 004243
Vek Ekateriny II: Rossiia i Balkany
[ Russia and the Balkans during the rule of Ekaterina the Second ]
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 25.00
Code: 032022
Krotkov, V.O
Avtoritarnaia Vlast` Kremlia v Usloviiakh Sotsial`no-Politicheskogo Tranzita
[ Authoritarian power of the Kremlin in the situation of social and political transition ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 16.00
Special price: $ 14.00
Code: 008932
Shargunov, Sergei
Ura!: Povest`
[ Hurrah!: Story ]
Moscow: Al`pina non-fikshn, 2012
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 24.00
Code: 031754
Kaznacheev, A.I
Partikuliarnye Pis`ma Grafu M.S. Vorontsovu, 1828-1837
Iz Sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo Istoricheskogo Muzeia
[ Personal letters to Count M. S. Vorontsov, 1828-1837: From the collection of the State Historical Museum : Iz Sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo Istoricheskogo Muzeia ]
Moscow: Novyi khronograf, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 18.00
Special price: $ 16.20
Code: 013398
Korochkin, L.I
Razmyshleniia Uchenogo o Boge, Sotvorenii Mira I Prirode Dobra I Zla
Opyt Populiarnogo Khristianskogo Nedogmaticheskogo Bogosloviia
[ Reflections of a scholar on God, Creation of the world, and the nature of good and evil : Popular Christian non-dogmatic theology ]
Novosibirsk: Sibirskii Khronograf, 1997
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 32.00
Code: 031787
Gefter, Mikhail
Tret`ego Tysiacheletiia ne Budet
Russkaia Istoriia Igry s Chelovechestvom: Opyty Politicheskie, Istoricheskie i Teologicheskie o Revoliutsii i Sovetskom Mire Kak Russkom: Razgovory s Glebom Pavlovskim
[ The third millennium will not come : Russian history of games with mankind: Political, historical and theological experience about the Revolution and Soviet world as a Russian one. Talks with Gleb Pavlovskii. ]
Moscow: Evropa, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 49.00
Special price: $ 44.10
Code: 004641
Maloletko, A. M
Drevnie Narody Sibiri: Etnicheskii Sostav po Dannym Toponimiki
Tom I: Predystoriia Cheloveka i Iazyka: Ural`tsy. Tom II: Kety
[ Ancient peoples of Siberia: Ethnic structure based on toponymic data : Volume one. Prehistory of man and language: Uralians. Volume 2" Kety ]
Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo Universiteta, 1999-2000
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 42.00
Code: 009296B
Lifshits, M. A. (Mikhail Aleksandrovich)
Ocherki Russkoi Kul`tury
[ Studies in Russian culture ]
Moscow: Akademicheskii proekt, Kul`tura, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Special price: $ 18.90
Code: 011574
Dobrovol`skii, A. V
Sotsialisty-Revoliutsionery Sibiri
Ot Raspada k Samolikvidatsii
[ Socialist-Revolutionaries of Siberia : From break-up to self liquidation ]
Novosibirsk: [n/p], 1997
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 72.00
Code: 029907
Ivan Bunin. Stikhotvoreniia: V 2 t.
[ Poetry: In two volumes ]
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 21.00
Special price: $ 18.90
Code: 003586
Ot El`tsina k ... El`tsinu: Prezidentskaia Gonka 96.
[ From El`tsin ... to El`tsin : The presidential election race 1996 ]
Moscow: TERRA, 1997
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 43.00
Code: 004700B
Belovinskii, L.V
Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar` Istorii Sovetskoi Povsednevnoi Zhizni
[ Encyclopedic dictionary of the history of Soviet daily life ]
Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2015
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 24.00
Special price: $ 21.60
Code: 019422
Partii Rossiiskikh Promyshlennikov i Predprinnimatelei
Dokumenty i Materialy: 1905-1906 gg.
[ Parties of Russian manufacturers and entrepreneurs : Documents and materials: 1905-1906 ]
Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2004
Language: Russian
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 Price: $ 17.00
Code: 031474
Nisnevich, Iu.A
Elektoral`naia Korruptsiia v Rossii
Politko-Pravovoi Analiz Federal`nykh Izbiratel`nykh Kampanii v 2003 - 2012 godakh
[ Electoral corruption in Russia : Politico-legal analysis of federal election campaigns in 2003 - 2012 ]
Moscow: Fond "Liberal`naia missiia", 2014
Language: Russian
 Price: $ 25.00
Special price: $ 21.00
Code: 024473B
Rend, Ain (Rand, Ayn)
My Zhivye
[ My Zhivye ]
St. Petersburg: Al`pina Pablisher, 2012
Language: Russian
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